zart (Zabbix API Retrieval Tool)
Part of the zahar (Zabbix Audit Hygiene and Report) project
config in ~/.zahar
$ virtualenv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --editable .
## Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
## Usage
``` $ ./zart.py --help Usage: zart.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
zart Zabbix API Retrieval Tool.
- Options:
--config PATH Read configuration from FILE. --zaburl TEXT Zabbix URL. --userid TEXT Zabbix username. --passwd TEXT Zabbix password. --version Show the version and exit. --help Show this message and exit. - Commands:
- action retrieve actions alert retrieve alerts application retrieve applications correlation This command retrieves correlations. dcheck This command retrieves dchecks. dhost This command retrieves dhosts. discoveryrule This command retrieves discoveryrules. drule This command retrieves drules. dservice This command retrieves dservices. event This command retrieves events. graph retrieve graphs graphitem This command retrieves graphitems. graphprototype retrieve graphprototype history This command retrieves historys. host This command retrieves hosts. hostgroup This command retrieves hostgroups. hostinterface This command retrieves hostinterfaces. hostprototype retrieve hostprototypes httptest retrieve httptests iconmap This command retrieves iconmaps. image retrieve images item This command retrieves items. itemprototype This command retrieves itemprototypes. maintenance This command retrieves maintenances. map This command retrieves maps. mediatype This command retrieves mediatypes. problem This command retrieves problems. proxy This command retrieves proxys. screen This command retrieves screens. screenitem This command retrieves screenitems. script This command retrieves scripts. service This command retrieves services. template This command retrieves templates. templatescreen This command retrieves templatescreens. templatescreenitem This command retrieves templatescreenitems. trend This command retrieves trends. trigger This command retrieves triggers. triggerprototype This command retrieves triggerprototypes. user This command retrieves users. usergroup This command retrieves usergroups. usermacro This command retrieves usermacros. usermedia This command retrieves usermedias. valuemap This command retrieves valuemaps. ```
``` $ ./zart.py action --help Usage: zart.py action [OPTIONS]
This command retrieves actions.
- Options:
--actionid INTEGER Return responses with the given action ids. --groupid INTEGER Return responses that use the host groups in conditions --hostid INTEGER Return responses that use the host id. --triggerid INTEGER Return only actions that use the given triggers in action conditions. --mediatypeid INTEGER Return only actions that use the given media types to send messages. --usrgrpid INTEGER Return only actions that are configured to send messages to the given user groups. --userid INTEGER Return only actions that are configured to send messages to the given users. --scriptid INTEGER Return only actions that are configured to run the given scripts. --sortfield [actionid|name|status] --countOutput Return count of records instead of data. --editable Return objects with write permissions. --filter TEXT Return only results that exactly match the
--limit INTEGER Limit results returned. --output TEXT Object properties to be returned (refered to as "output" in API docs). --preservekeys Use IDs as keys in the resulting array. --sortorder [ASC|DESC] Order of sorting --search TEXT Return results that match wildcard search
- -f [csv|html|json|latex|raw|clip|xls|txt]
- Output format.
--help Show this message and exit. ``` $ ./zart.py action --actionid 3 --output extend -f json | jq
- [
- {
- "actionid": "3", "name": "Report problems to Zabbix administrators", "eventsource": "0", "status": "0", "esc_period": "1h", "def_shortdata": "Problem: {EVENT.NAME}", "def_longdata": "Problem started at {EVENT.TIME} on {EVENT.DATE}rnProblem name: {EVENT.NAME}rnHost: {HOST.NAME}rnSeverity: {EVENT.SEVERITY}rnrnOriginal problem ID: {EVENT.ID}rn{TRIGGER.URL}", "r_shortdata": "Resolved: {EVENT.NAME}", "r_longdata": "Problem has been resolved at {EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} on {EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE}rnProblem name: {EVENT.NAME}rnHost: {HOST.NAME}rnSeverity: {EVENT.SEVERITY}rnrnOriginal problem ID: {EVENT.ID}rn{TRIGGER.URL}", "pause_suppressed": "1", "ack_shortdata": "Updated problem: {EVENT.NAME}", "ack_longdata": "{USER.FULLNAME} {EVENT.UPDATE.ACTION} problem at {EVENT.UPDATE.DATE} {EVENT.UPDATE.TIME}.rn{EVENT.UPDATE.MESSAGE}rnrnCurrent problem status is {EVENT.STATUS}, acknowledged: {EVENT.ACK.STATUS}."
``` $ ./zart.py action --actionid 3 --output name --output ack_shortdata -f html <table border="1" class="dataframe">
- <thead>
- <tr style="text-align: right;">
- <th>actionid</th> <th>name</th> <th>ack_shortdata</th>
</thead> <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>3</td> <td>Report problems to Zabbix administrators</td> <td>Updated problem: {EVENT.NAME}</td>
``` $ ./zart.py action --actionid 3 --output name --output ack_shortdata -f latex begin{tabular}{lll} toprule actionid & name & ack_shortdata \ midrule
3 & Report problems to Zabbix administrators & Updated problem: {EVENT.NAME} \