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Documentation for RcppSMC.

Types of documentation

Two types of documentation are available:

  1. Good old doxygen:

    • create ./build and cmake .. followed by make docs
    • produces html files in the directory ./build/docs_doxygen/html
    • view the documentation via ./build/docs_doxygen/html/index.html
  2. Using Sphinx (modern look, facilitates readability, but less detailed API documentation)

    • use make html inside ./docs_sphinx
    • output is stored in ./docs_sphinx/html
    • view the documentation via ./docs_sphinx/html/index.html

Workflow to update, alter or re-generate documentation

Making additions if underlying code changes

  1. Copy new code into ./include or ./src
  2. git add ., git commit and git push, which triggers automatic deployment
  3. Github actions automatically deploys the page

Switching between doxygen and Sphinx-read-the-docs-styles

The directory ./.github/workflows/docs.yml contains the config for this. The following part is relevant to change from Sphinx-style to doxygen-style web documentation:

- name: Build docs
      run: cd docs_sphinx  # cd build
        && make html       # && cmake ..
        && cd _build/html  # && make docs
        && touch .nojekyll # delete this statement if doxygen is used
FOLDER: docs_sphinx/_build/html # build/docs_doxygen/html- name: Deploy
      uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4.3.3
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        BRANCH: gh-pages # The branch the action should deploy to.
        FOLDER: docs_sphinx/_build/html # FOLDER: build/docs_doxygen/html
  1. In the above snippet, the Sphinx style is run. To change to doxygen, switch statements to:

    • run: cd build (run: cd docs_sphinx before)
    • && cmake .. (&& make html before)
    • && make docs (&& cd _build/html before)
    • delete && touch .nojekyll
    • FOLDER: build/docs_doxygen/html (FOLDER: docs_sphinx/_build/html before)
  2. git add ., git commit and git push which triggers automatic deployment


Links for resources on the doxygen-sphinx-breathe + webpage setup I followed to set up this workflow:

  1. Medium 3part blog:
  1. Sources (more elaborated) upon which this blog-series is based on: