These baids will setup a chroot inside a Termux [0] shell by downloading an Ubuntu core cloud image [1] and allow executing commands by using proot [2].
- Install termux [0] and spawn a shell
- Setup copy+paste snippet:
# install depends
which git || pkg install git
# install baids
curl -sSL | bash -s install
source ~/.baids/baids
# install these baids
git clone ~/.baids/functions.d/termux-ubuntu-baids
- Setup an ubuntu-bionic chroot (or let it be done by the fisrt shell/exec baid execution):
termux-ubuntu-setup bionic
- Spawn an ubuntu-focal shell:
termux-ubuntu-shell focal
- Execute a specific command into a ubuntu-bionic chroot:
termux-ubuntu-exec bionic cat /etc/lsb-release
- Run inside an ubuntu-shell:
apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y openssh-server
# set ssh server to listen on an unprivileged port
sed -i 's|^#Port=.*|Port=44444' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service ssh start
- Add some ssh pubkeys or setup an user (root user does not have any passwd set by default)