knockout-postbox is a Knockout.js plugin designed to use Knockout's basic pub/sub capabilities to facilitate decoupled communication between separate view models / components.
More background here:
knockout-postbox creates a ko.postbox
object that can be used for basic pub/sub communication. However, typically you would use the observable extensions rather than calling the ko.postbox
APIs directly, unless you are integrating with a non-KO component.
subscribe - ko.postbox.subscribe(topic, handler, target)
ko.postbox.subscribe("mytopic", function(newValue) {
this.topic("Topic: " + newValue);
}, viewModel);
publish - ko.postbox.publish(topic, value)
ko.postbox.publish("mytopic", "new value");
knockout-postbox augments observables, observableArrays, and computed observables to be able to automatically participate in sending and receiving messages through ko.postbox
subscribeTo - subscribeTo(topic, [initializeWithLatestValue], [transform])
The subscribeTo
function tells an observable to automatically update itself whenever it receives a message on a topic.
//update the value from messages on "mytopic"
this.topic = ko.observable().subscribeTo("mytopic");
//receive updates from "mytopic" and use the last published value to initialize the observable
this.topic = ko.observable().subscribeTo("mytopic", true);
//receive updates from "mytopic" and update the value after passing it through the transform function
var transform = function(newValue) {
return newValue && newValue.toLowerCase();
this.topic = ko.observable().subscribeTo("mytopic", transform);
//receive updates from "mytopic", initialize with latest published value, and send updates through transform
this.topic = ko.observable().subscribeTo("mytopic", true, transform);
unsubscribeFrom - unsubscribeFrom(topic)
The unsubscribeFrom
function removes the subscription that an observable has on a topic.
this.topic = ko.observable().unsubscribeFrom("mytopic");
publishOn - publishOn(topic, [skipInitialPublish], [equalityComparer])
The publishOn
function tells an observable to automatically publish its value on a topic whenever it changes. By default, it will only publish when the new value is not the same (===
) as the previous value.
//whenever the value changes publish a message on "mytopic"
this.topic = ko.observable(value).publishOn("mytopic");
//publish changes on "mytopic", but skip publishing the current value immediately
this.topic = ko.observable(value).publishOn("mytopic", true);
//publish changes on "mytopic" when the comparer function returns false
var comparer = function(newValue, oldValue) {
return newValue < oldValue;
this.topic = ko.observable(value).publishOn("mytopic", comparer);
//publish changes on "mytopic", skip initial publish, and use override comparer
this.topic = ko.observable(value).publishOn("mytopic", true, comparer);
stopPublishingOn - stopPublishingOn(topic)
The stopPublishingOn
function removes the subscription used to automatically publish changes to the observable.
syncWith - syncWith(topic, [initializeWithLatestValue], [skipInitialPublish], [equalityComparer])
The syncWith
function tells an observable to both subscribe and publish on a topic. This allows observables in two different view models to stay in sync with each other without having direct knowledge of its counterpart.
//subscribe to and publish on a topic
this.topic = ko.observable(value).syncWith("mytopic");
The default comparison done to determine if a value should be published simply uses ===
. At run-time you can supply your own default comparison function by overriding ko.postbox.defaultComparer
- Knockout 2.0+
- JSON2.js - (for IE < 8)
This project uses anvil.js (see for building/minifying.
The examples
directory contains a sample that shows how three independent view models can exchange information without direct references to each other.
View the sample in jsFiddle here: