rini is a simple and easy-to-use config init files reader and writer
is provided as a self-contained portable single-file header-only library with no external dependencies.
Its only dependency, the standard C library, can also be replaced with a custom implementation if required.
Multiple configuration options are available through #define
- Config files reading and writing
- Supported value types: int, string
- Support comment lines and empty lines
- Support custom line comment delimiter
- Support custom value delimiters
- Support value description comments
- Support custom description custom delimiter
- Support multi-word text values w/o quote delimiters
- Minimal C standard lib dependency (optional)
- Customizable maximum config values capacity
Generates the implementation of the library into the included file. If not defined, the library is in header only mode and can be included in other headers or source files without problems. But only ONE file should hold the implementation.
Define the maximum capacity of config data structure, customizable by user. Default value: 32 entries support
Define character used to comment lines, placed at beginning of line Most .ini files use semicolon ';' but '#' is also used Default value: '#'
Defines section lines start character Sections loading is not supported, lines are just skipped for now
Defines a property line-end comment delimiter This implementation allows adding inline comments after the value. Default value: '#'
Defines a key value delimiter, in case it is defined. Most .ini files use '=' as value delimiter but ':' is also used or just whitespace Default value: ' '
Defines quotation marks to be used around text values Text values are determined checking text with atoi(), only for integer values, in case of float values they are always considered as text Default value: '"'
Defines a property line-end comment delimiter This implementation allows adding inline comments after the value. Default value: '#'
// Load/unload config from file (*.ini) or create a new config object (pass NULL)
rini_config rini_load_config(const char *file_name);
void rini_unload_config(rini_config *config);
// Save config to file, with custom header (if provided)
// NOTE: Only full config file rewrite supported, no partial updates
void rini_save_config(rini_config config, const char *file_name);
// Get config value int/text/description for provided key, returns -1 or NULL if not found
int rini_get_config_value(rini_config config, const char *key);
const char *rini_get_config_value_text(rini_config config, const char *key);
const char *rini_get_config_value_description(rini_config config, const char *key);
// Set config value int/text and description for existing key or create a new entry
// NOTE: When setting a text value, if id does not exist, a new entry is automatically created
int rini_set_config_value(rini_config *config, const char *key, int value, const char *desc);
int rini_set_config_value_text(rini_config *config, const char *key, const char *text, const char *desc);
// Set config value description for existing key
// WARNING: Key must exist to add description, if a description exists, it is updated
int rini_set_config_value_description(rini_config *config, const char *key, const char *desc);
- Config
not supported - Saving config file requires complete rewrite
Load an existing config file
#include "rini.h"
int main()
rini_config config = rini_load_config("config.ini");
int show_window_sponsors_value = rini_get_config_value(config, "SHOW_WINDOW_SPONSORS");
int show_window_info_value = rini_get_config_value(config, "SHOW_WINDOW_INFO");
int show_window_edit_value = rini_get_config_value(config, "SHOW_WINDOW_EDIT");
int image_scale_filter_value = rini_get_config_value(config, "IMAGE_SCALE_FILTER");
int image_background_value = rini_get_config_value(config, "IMAGE_BACKGROUND");
int visual_style_value = rini_get_config_value(config, "VISUAL_STYLE");
int clean_window_mode_value = rini_get_config_value(config, "CLEAN_WINDOW_MODE");
return 0;
Save a custom config file:
#include "rini.h"
int main()
// Create empty config with 32 entries (RINI_MAX_CONFIG_CAPACITY)
rini_config config = rini_load_config(NULL);
// Define header comment lines
rini_set_config_comment_line(&config, NULL); // Empty comment line, but including comment prefix delimiter
rini_set_config_comment_line(&config, "rTexViewer initialization configuration options");
rini_set_config_comment_line(&config, NULL);
rini_set_config_comment_line(&config, "NOTE: This file is loaded at application startup,");
rini_set_config_comment_line(&config, "if file is not found, default values are applied");
rini_set_config_comment_line(&config, NULL);
// Define config values
rini_set_config_value(&config, "SHOW_WINDOW_SPONSORS", 1, "Show sponsors window at initialization");
rini_set_config_value(&config, "SHOW_WINDOW_INFO", 0, "Show image info window");
rini_set_config_value(&config, "SHOW_WINDOW_EDIT", 0, "Show image edit window");
rini_set_config_value(&config, "IMAGE_SCALE_FILTER", 1, "Image scale filter enabled: 0-Point, 1-Bilinear");
rini_set_config_value(&config, "IMAGE_BACKGROUND", 0, "Image background style: 0-None, 1-Checked, 2-Black, 3-Magenta");
rini_set_config_value(&config, "VISUAL_STYLE", 2, "UI visual style selected: 0-9");
rini_set_config_value(&config, "CLEAN_WINDOW_MODE", 0, "Clean window mode enabled");
rini_save_config(config, "config.ini", ini_header);
return 0;
rini is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.