A list of RSS feeds of the most dedicated Rust bloggers featured on This Week In Rust.
Not all of the bloggers are currently active. Some have been included for reference/archival purposes, as they’ve posted regularly in the past and the content may still be valuable. I’ve only included RSS feeds that post exclusively about Rust.
The spreadsheet I worked from also includes a list of Rust blogs that don’t have RSS feeds, but do post exclusively about Rust. The spreadsheet also includes a list of 174 blogs that write about Rust but not exclusively.
How active is the list currently? There can be as many as 10 new posts a day, but usually it’s between 5 and 10. If you don’t do RSS and want a single resource beyond /r/rust then medium.com/tag/rust/latest is as active a resource as I’ve found.
If you have a Rust blog with an RSS feed containing Rust-only content and don’t see it on the spreadsheet, please do get in touch (@rayascott).
There is an OPML file for those who want to import the entire blog list to a feed reader.