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CorbeauPerdu\Calendar\Calendar Class

A PHP Simple multi-date picker calendar.

See: CalendarUsageExample.php

The reason for yet another PHP Calendar is to provide a simple calendar with just enough features, but without an overhead of too many of them:

  • Start the week on Sundays or Mondays (default: Sunday)
  • Show other month dates (default: true)
  • Can received an array of dates to circle (i.e. holidays, meetings, etc.) *
  • Can received an array of dates to pre-select for processing *
  • Provides a customizable legend
  • Allows for i18n translations using \CorbeauPerdu\i18n\Locale
  • Finally, because it uses Boostrap, it is responsive!

* Dates must be in 'YYYY-mm-dd' string format.


Other important requirements and informations

  • All dates are returned and processed in 'YYYY-mm-dd' format!
  • Expects to find a loadCalendar(month,year) Javascript function: use it to either reload the page passing along month and year to querystring, load the calendar using an Ajax call... As you wish!
  • Expects to find a setSelectedDate(date) Javascript function: this is where you'll toggle date cell ON/OFF (by toggling class calendar_selected on the cell IDs) and where you process the clicked date!


  • Object's constructor :
    • \CorbeauPerdu\i18n\Locale $locale CorbeauPerdu's locale instance for translations
    • bool $startWeekOnMonday Whether to start weeks on Mondays (default: start on sunday)
    • bool $showOtherMonths Whether to display dates in other months at the start or end of the current month (default: true)
    • bool $forceSixRows Whether to show a 6th row in the calendar, EVEN if that hole row belongs to the next month (default: false)
    • string $anchor calendar href anchor to reposition page upon calendar reload (default: 'calendar')
    • string $legendDateCircled Legend text for circled dates: pass along the text to load from the locale 'calendar' domain
    • string $legendDateSelected Legend text for Selected dates: pass along the text to load from the locale 'calendar' domain
  • $calendar->show()
    • string $month for which month?
    • string $year for which year?
    • array $circledDates dates that are to be circled, in 'YYYY-mm-dd' string format
    • array $selectedDates dates that are flagged as selected, in to be in 'YYYY-mm-dd' string format


The calendar is loaded from getting month and year in the URL querystring:

The calendar is loaded from an Ajax call that passes along the desired month and year, hidding other month, week starts on Mondays and finally, in french:


A simple multi-date picker calendar class







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