This is a java web application to manage the templates maintained by our team
Prerequisites to run the project
Java, maven, JSON plugin in browser for better viewing(optional)
Steps to run the project
1. Checkout the git repositoty and import the project into intellij or eclipse as maven project
2. Now cd to the root of the project and run the below command mvn clean install
3. Once the build is complete, run the java application using
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Make sure that its running successfully. Now the backend is ready to serve the contents to the frontend
4. Now navigate to http://localhost:8080 in the browser
5. To list the endpoints available tin the application, navigate to
6. All the endpoints related to template management are under
7. All the endpoints related to platform details are under
8. To start the frontend project navigate to frontend/templates-ui and run the below command
npm install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular
ng serve --host
9. Now navigate to the following link in your browser
Contact CloudStack team if you need more information on this application