The program is a web-based interactive diagram editor for creating and simulating digital logic circuits. It allows users to design logic circuits by dragging and dropping logic gate shapes onto a canvas, connecting them with wires, and simulating their behavior.
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The Digital Logic Circuit Simulator is a web-based interactive editor and simulator for digital logic circuits. This tool allows users to create, visualize, and simulate various digital logic circuits by dragging and dropping logic gate shapes onto a canvas, connecting them with wires, and observing their behavior.
- Canvas Editor: Design and create digital logic circuits using a user-friendly canvas editor.
- Logic Gate Shapes: Choose from a variety of logic gate shapes, including AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, InputL, OutputL, AND3, and OR3 gates.
- Connectors: Connect input and output terminals of logic gates with connectors to simulate signal flow.
- Interactive Interface: Drag and drop shapes, move them, and create connections easily.
- Logic Simulation: Simulate the behavior of logic gates with dynamic updates of gate outputs.
- Clock Shape: Add a clock shape and control its state to observe periodic signals.
- Save and Load: Save your logic circuits as JSON files and load them for later use.
- Deletion: Remove shapes and connectors from the canvas.
- Customizable UI: User-friendly interface with responsive canvas and sidebar.
- Error Handling: Robust error handling for file operations.
- Add Shapes: Drag and drop logic gate shapes from the sidebar onto the canvas.
- Connect Shapes: Create connections between input and output terminals of logic gates.
- Simulate: Double-click on a shape to toggle input colors or evaluate gate outputs.
- Clock Control: Add a clock shape and start/stop it to observe periodic signals.
- Save and Load: Save your circuits as JSON files and load them for future editing.
This web-based simulator does not require installation. Simply clone the repository and open index.html
in a web browser.
git clone