This repository is a simple Go binary that retrieves the entire set of block graffitis in the Ethereum beacon chain since a specified epoch and writes the output to a CSV file.
You will need to a connect to a Prysm beacon chain node to use this tool. This tool uses gRPC to retrieve data via Prysm's public beacon API. Prysm nodes expose a gRPC server on localhost:4000 by default. To install Prysm, see here.
Download Go, then:
git clone && cd graffiti-fetcher
go build .
./graffiti-fetcher --help
Usage of ./graffiti-fetcher:
-grpc-endpoint string
gRPC endpoint for a Prysm node (default "localhost:4000")
-output string
output csv file path (default $PWD/output.csv) (default "output.csv")
-start-epoch uint
start epoch for the requests (default: 0)