Unix based os with g++ command.
For compiling use g++ <filename>.cpp
and for execution use ./a.out
- C++ is an object-oriented programming language. It is an extension to C programming.
- C++ is a general purpose, case-sensitive, free-form programming language that supports object-oriented, procedural and generic programming.
- C++ is a middle-level language, as it encapsulates both high and low level language features.
By the help of C++ programming language, we can develop different types of secured and robust applications:
- Window application
- Client-Server application
- Device drivers
- Embedded firmware etc
- print.cpp - Printing string program using iostream.
- print1.cpp - Printing string without using namespace and iostream.
- print1.cpp - Printing string without using stdio header.
- dataType.cpp - Prints size of different data types.
- integer.cpp - Prints size of different data types of integer.
- integer1.cpp - Type conversion from binary to integer.
- variable.cpp - Store values in different variables.
- floatCaution.cpp - Things you should be careful about while using float values.
- const.cpp - Demonstrated about const.
- array.cpp - Demonstrated array type.
- 2darray.cpp - Demonstrated 2D array type.
- read.cpp - For reading inputs.
- read1.cpp - For reading inputs using stdheader.
- operators.cpp - Types of operators.
- bitwise.cpp - Demonstrated bitwise operation.
- condition.cpp - Different conditional statements.
- postAndPre.cpp - Demonstrated post and pre increment of integer variable.
- loops.cpp - Different types of loop.
- loops1.cpp - Controlling loops execution (break and continue).
- range.cpp - Iteration using range.
- function.cpp - Demonstrated to create and call integer multiplication function.
- functionOverloading.cpp - Demonstrated function overloading.
- exit.cpp - To quit program.
- file.cpp - Opening and writing file using fstream.
- filer.cpp - Opening and reading file using fstream.
- headerDemo.cpp - Demonstrated how to call user defined header function from main.
- cpp2cpp.cpp - Communication of one cpp to another cpp, for execution use
g++ cpp2cpp.cpp headers/function.cpp
. - stringManipulation.cpp - Demonstration of applying string manipulation functions.
- struct.cpp - Demonstration of struct.
- cli.cpp - Command line arguments.
- For Saving complied code - use
g++ <filename>.cpp -o <outFilename>
. - pointer.cpp - Demonstrated pointer and reference for memory access.
- arrayPointer.cpp - Demonstrated array using pointer.
- rangeAndPointer.cpp - Demonstrated array using pointer and range.
- exception.cpp - Demonstrated try and catch block to catch exception.
- memory.cpp - Demonstrated memory management using calloc,malloc and realloc.
- file.cpp - Demonstrated create, rename and delete file.
- file2.cpp - Demonstrated reading and writing into file.
- enum.cpp - Demonstrated concept of enum.
- auto.cpp - Demonstrated concept of type inference using auto keyword.
- stackAndHeap.cpp - Demonstrated concept of stack and heap in term of memory.
- stackAndPointer.cpp - Demonstrated relation of structure and pointers.
- function1.cpp - Demonstrated function who uses pass by value.
- function2.cpp - Demonstrated function who uses pass by reference.
- functionalPointer.cpp - Assigning address of function to a pointer variable.
- nullptr.cpp - Demonstrated null pointer.
- recursion.cpp - Demonstrated recursion function.
- template.cpp - Demonstrated template functions which is a part of generic programming.
- variadicAndRecursion.cpp - Demonstrated template functions which uses variadic(allow to have multiple inputs).
- macros.cpp - Demonstrated macros.
- lambda.cpp - Demonstrated different types of lambda functions.
- Abstraction - Its main goal is to handle complexity by hiding unnecessary details from the user.
- class.cpp - Demonstrated how to create student class with setters and getters.
- this.cpp - This keyword is used for self referencing inside a class.
- constructorOverloading.cpp - Demonstrated constructor overloading
- accessSpecifier.cpp - Uses concept of encapsulation, demonstrated through public and private.(Except protected).
- friend.cpp - Used setter and getters as friend function to a private variable.
- destructor.cpp - Demonstration of how destructors work.
- copyConstructor.cpp - Demonstration to override constructor, parameter constructor and copy constructor.
- overloading.cpp - Demonstrated concept of method overloading.
- multipleInheritance.cpp - Demonstrated concept of multiple inheritance.
- virtual.cpp - Demonstrated the use of virtual keyword.
- qualifier - There are 2 type of qualifier :- Modification and life duration qualifiers
- Modification qualifiers - There are 3 type of Modification qualifier :- Const, volatile, mutable
- Life duration qualifiers - There are 3 type of Life duration qualifiers :- static, register, extern
- const.cpp - Demonstrated const qualifier. Value of object or variable will remain constant through out.
- volatile.cpp - Demonstrated volatile qualifier. Generally used for multi-threaded application
- mutable.cpp - Demonstrated mutable qualifier. It permits modification of the class member declared mutable even if the containing object is declared const.
- static.cpp - Demonstrated static qualifier. A static member is shared by all objects of the class.
- register.cpp - Demonstrated register qualifier. It is generally used for making system drivers.
- extern.cpp - Demonstrated extern qualifier. It let us access members from header file.
- assertions.cpp - Assert will terminate the program if its argument turns out to be false.
- gdb.cpp - Terminal Based debugger.
- memCheck.cpp - Using valgrind to run memcheck on verify.cpp.
- uniquePointer.cpp - Demonstrated unique smart pointer. Memory get free as scope ends and this pointers cannot have copy of them.
- sharedPointer.cpp - Demonstrated shared smart pointer. Memory get free as scope ends and this pointers can have copy of them.
- weakPointer.cpp - Demonstrated weak smart pointer. Memory get free as scope ends and this pointers can have copy of them.
- moveSemantics.cpp - Demonstrated best way of swapping variable with better memory management.
- functor.cpp - Demonstrated use of functor.
- vector.cpp - Demonstrated Vector data type.
- list.cpp - Demonstrated list data type.
- map.cpp - Demonstrated map data type.
- sort.cpp - Demonstrated performing sort operation using STL
- search.cpp - Demonstrated usage of STL for performing search operations.
- partition.cpp - Demonstrated partition and stable_partition through STL.
- transform.cpp - Demonstrated partition and stable_partition through STL. It is used to perform an operation on all elements.
- thread_id.cpp - Obtaining id of thread process and number of threads available in cpu.
- basic.cpp - Basics to use threading.
- Makefile - Basics to use threading.
- pattern - Consist code to print different types of patterns.
- data structure - Consist code to data structures.
- basic - Consist code to basic algorithms.
- search - Consist code of searching algorithms.
- sort - Consist code of sorting algorithms.