Please use Johann Schopplich's plugin
Enables the inclusion of custom Writer field marks. It's an alternative to Johann Schopplich's plugin that doesn't require to patch Kirby's panel dist files.
Download and copy this repository to /site/plugins/oh-hi-mark
git submodule add site/plugins/oh-hi-mark
composer require rasteiner/oh-hi-mark
This plugin alone does nothing. It serves only to provide you the ability to use custom Writer field marks in your own plugins.
Stolen from Johann Schopplich's "footnote" example:
use Kirby\Cms\App as Kirby;
use Kirby\Sane\Html;
* Add `article-footnote` to Kirby's Sane class allowed tags,
* otherwise the writer field content parsed by the sanitizer would
* strip `article-footnote` tags (Applies to Kirby 3.6+ only).
Html::$allowedTags['article-footnote'] = true;
Kirby::plugin('rasteiner/footnote-mark', []);
panel.plugin('rasteiner/footnote-mark', {
thirdParty: {
marks: {
// if you want this plugin to play nice with other marks plugins,
// you should keep them with the following line:
...panel.plugins.thirdParty.marks || {},
footnote: {
get button() {
return {
icon: 'quote',
label: 'Footnote'
commands() {
return () => this.toggle();
get name() {
return "footnote";
get schema() {
return {
parseDOM: [{ tag: "article-footnote" }],
toDOM: (node) => [
.k-blocks {
counter-reset: footnotes;
.k-writer .ProseMirror article-footnote {
color: currentColor;
counter-increment: footnotes;
text-decoration: underline dotted;
.k-writer .ProseMirror article-footnote::after {
content: "[" counter(footnotes) "]";
color: #999;
text-decoration: underline dotted white;
- Roman Steiner, author
- Johann Schopplich, sparked the idea & wrote the original plugin and example