Example Node-RED "Flows" that can be used for your Raspberry Shake Personal Earth Monitor: https://raspberryshake.org/
Visit https://nodered.org/ for more information on Node-RED
Example: Ubuntu 18.04
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
$ sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
For installation on other systems: https://nodered.org/#get-started
WARNING: We do not recommend installaing Node-RED on your Raspberry Shake. It will consume a lot of CPU causing the processor to heat up a lot!
$ node-red
Then navigate to: localhost:1880
See here for description of UDP input: https://manual.raspberryshake.org/udp.html
We have developed and submitted a node to Node-RED's NPM that translates the UDP input into an array. This is available at: https://www.npmjs.com/~raspishake (see: node-red-rshake-udp-parser). To add this node to your local instance of Node-RED:
$ cd $HOME/.node-red
$ npm install node-red-rshake-udp-parser
- enable UDP data streaming on your Raspberry Shake. This is explained here: https://manual.raspberryshake.org/udp.html
- use UDP input in Node-RED and connect it with 'rshake udp parser'
- make sure you changed 'output' to 'a string' at UDP input configuration
- blinkingLEDs_RPi.txt - configure seismic thresholds and blink your Raspberry Pi's LEDs
- blinkingLEDs_RPi-2.txt - configure seismic thresholds and blink your Raspberry Pi's LEDs; Uses rshake udp parser
- chart.txt - display data from your Raspberry Shake using Chart tool
- realtime-plot.txt - display real-time data from your Raspberry Shake
- realtime-plot-2.txt - display real-time data from your Raspberry Shake; Uses rshake udp parser
- seismicDataStorage.txt - store data from your Raspberry Shake on disk
- retweet.txt - retweets posts containing @raspishake and/ or #raspberryshake on your Twitter feed
- Open Node-RED in your browser
- Click to hamburger menu on the right hand side
- Import
- Clipboard
- Copy and paste and click the "Import" button
For example to blink with green and red LEDs you need to fix permissions. SSH to your device and execute:
sudo chmod 666 /sys/class/leds/led*/brightness