To create a forecast model using R that accurately predicts sales and demand for Walmart, incorporating factors like economic conditions and the effects of promotional markdowns and holidays.
Weekly Sales, Fuel Price, Unemployment, Week number, Event(categorical), Month(categorical)
- We gathered data, performed data exploration, made different datasets with required columns, plotted graphs, removed outliers, correlation analysis, made training and test datasets.
- We planned on building 3 forecast models: Multilinear Regression model, Random Forest Model, and Convolutional Neural Network Model.
- Out of these models Random Forest model gave us an accuracy of 93% which was the best model.
- The analysis revealed that holidays such as the Super Bowl, Thanksgiving, and Labor Day have a significantly positive impact on sales. Christmas-related sales reveal that customers tend to make purchases in the week leading up to Christmas and not on Christmas.
- Month emerges as an important independent variable for sales prediction.
- Sales are generally higher in the second semester of each year.
- Fuel price and unemployment, when considered together, have a more significant impact on sales than the Consumer Price Index alone.