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This repo includes my i3, alacritty, albert, fish, omf, polybar, variety, neovim, ranger, zsh, iterm2 and compton config files.

  • fish - A smart and user-friendly command shell for Linux.
  • oh-my-fish - A fishshell framework that allows you to install packages which extend or modify the look and feel of your shell.
  • alacritty - A free open-source, fast, cross-platform terminal emulator, that uses GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) for rendering. Alacritty is focused on two goals simplicity and performance.
  • ranger - A lightweight and powerful file manager that works in a terminal window and it comes with vi/vim key bindings!
  • albert - Access everything with virtually zero effort. Run applications, open files or their paths, open bookmarks in your browser, search the web, calculate things and a lot more … It is a desktop agnostic launcher and its goals are usability and beauty.
  • dmenu - A fast and lightweight dynamic menu for X. It reads arbitrary text from stdin, and creates a menu with one item for each line. The user can then select an item, through the arrow keys or typing a part of the name, and the line is printed to stdout.
  • variety - A wallpaper manager for Linux systems. It supports numerous desktops and wallpaper sources, including local files and online services: Flickr, Wallhaven, Unsplash, and more.
  • polybar - A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars. Polybar aims to help users build beautiful and highly customizable status bars.
  • compton - A compositor for X. Try blur effect here.
  • neo-vim - A text editor (Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability).
  • zsh - Configurate zsh and oh-my-zsh video guide | gist guide
  • iterm2 - A terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
