Standalone checkout signed endpoint (#711 )
GraphQL component running state (#722 )
Etag and last modified headers (#728 )
Use slideover from rapidez/blade-components (#680 )
Implemented the latest version of rapidez/reviews (#679 )
Product image gallery thumbnails layout shift fixes (#710 )
Use the backdrop color variable (#696 )
Onestep checkout improvements (#721 )
Sort countries in country select (#725 , #729 )
Use the correct ID for related products and upsells (#714 )
Use updateCart function (#689 )
Use useEventListener and destroyed hook on success (#690 )
Don't clear cart on invalid coupon code (#693 )
Fix the disabled options to work with one super attribute (#695 )
Pagesize Turbo fallback fix (#719 )
Fallback fix (#720 )
Redirect to checkout using a temporary redirect (8719e01 )
Use @content for 404 content (#732 )
Return type for phpstan (#739 )
Make sure you can't do a mutation twice simultaneously (#740 )
Only apply default value when config option is not found (#737 )
Slideover position (#742 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.