- Can't have different arcs touching eachother
- The space between crossings should be relatively equal
- assuming they are, this is a good way to detect if we passed the endpoint we were looking for
- maybe have it to do with the line thickness?
would become
idk what that'd fix but it would fix something
Maybe not necessary to do BFS on all pixels of an arc? Just find the boundary?
Instead of using equality to asses which spines to cut, use how close they are to the end too
Could do that by BFSing the background, going one pixel in on the found arcs, and those are are the boundary points
For links, the knots might be different colors. Add component functionality
3D seifert surfaces plots using matplotlib
http://hmeine.github.io/qimage2ndarray/ instead of files
separating spheres
generate a knot given crossing index
using DT notation to find a knot
draw a knot, take a pic, get a link to the knot on knotinfo (this would be the simplest form knot; then show info on the knot diagram itself)
currently, every crossing needs to have an i, j, and k. Not implied like an arc jumping over two arcs instead of one.
check distance from the endpoints and the intersection (intersection should be relatively equadistant between endpoints)
try all orientations of all arcs in any order ... this would get you all potential orderings... which are just all of them lmao
check to make sure endpoints cross over (close to perpendicular) to another rope
just go down a rope and check all sides of it for endpoints of other ropes (directionality would still be better)
when using first derivative to get slope, get as close as you can do perpendicular against the end boundary of the line
intersection likely to be near another line
has a problem with small arcs for some reason
assumption: i0 and j dirs must arrive at an i1 and i1, k dirs must arrive at i0 crossings
alternative way to get incoming direction from c1 in dir to c2: Get the endpoints of the arc in dir from c1. If the second (or first, depending on dir) is c2, then you know which way it's coming in to c2. The key is that you know that c1 and c2 are neighbors.
always trying to balance computation on the fly vs computation on changes, like with being able to quickly compute crossings between or keeping track of the "flipped" knot so that r1 crossing detection becomes trivial, it's the same arc on either one or the other. keeping arc neighbors would do this too.
probably would have been easier to represent each edge from a vertex to another as a distinct "arc", even if the crossing is an "i". Then have a function to compute the "names" of the arcs on the fly.
the "path" is an exmple of something that's computed on the fly. useful for getting crossings inbetween two.
tough to figure out incoming dir for unknots or loops, there is background that you need about knots
propogate crossing change function?
a lot of problems actually arise when dealing with a twisted unknot
SO MUCH EASIER::::::::::::::: can model swappings, smooths, deletions using psudo switch moves
R1 also became R2 whoopsies
Doing HOMFLY intorducted needing to deal with links