Customer Loyalty Management System
The program was designed to offer a customer loyalty programme. The program records the customers’ details and their reward in points and allow customers to redeem reward through a list of gifts. An additional reward will be given to the topmost customers. The program has two types of users (Admin and Customer). Following is the system structure alongside with the functions.
Home Page:
1. Add new customer
2. Login as customer
3. Login as admin
4. Exit
Customer's menu:
1. Edit my details
2. View my details
3. Delete my account
4. Redeem reward
5. View my gifts
6. Sign out
Admin's menu:
1. Create new account
2. Edit account
3. Delete account
4. Search for a customer
5. View all customers
6. Redeem reward
7. View all gifts
8. View top 5 customers
9. Sign out
The program was developed using C language with the help of double linked list. The data is stored in files and it will be loaded when the program starts.