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Canny-Edge-Detector PublicImage manipulation and implementation of openCV's Canny edge detection algorithm
Face-Recognition-using-Eigenfaces PublicA python program which learns to recognize an unknown face using Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Solving-jigsaw-puzzle PublicExtraction of jigsaw puzzle pieces from an image and mapping them to the original complete picture to solve the puzzle using SIFT
Jupyter Notebook 3
k-Nearest-Neighbor-Classification PublicClassified NBA players into 5 positions (classes) on the basketball court using k-NN model. Performed 10-fold stratified cross-validation.
Python 1
Frequent-Itemset-Mining-using-Hadoop PublicImplementation of the Apriori algorithm using Mapper and Reducer programs in Python through Hadoop streaming
Query-Search-using-TF-IDF-vectors-and-cosine-similarity PublicAnalyzed a corpus containing 30 .txt files and retrieved the most relevant document for a given query.
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