Given dataset contains following columns
molecule_name - this contains 102 class of molecule
conformation_name - All of which are unique
f1 - f166 - These are the features of every molecule and its conformation
class - this column contains 0 or 1 (1 for musk and 0 for non-musk)
So the classification model can be made either to classify between musk or no_musk or 102 categories of molecules.
I have used StandardScaler for scaling the input data.
This is necessary because we don’t know on what scale and range of the features are in. StandardScaler makes our data such that its mean value of 0 and standard deviation of 1. So that it helps in efficiency training our neural network model.
I have trained two deep learning algorithms viz, Deep Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network for both musk vs non-musk classification and also 102 category of molecules classification.
All these models performed well. But as there are 102 categories of molecules containing musk and non musk molecules. I have applied transfer learning as first training 102 category molecules and used the same model and added 2 layers to train for musk vs non musk.
By using transfer learning I achieved 100% accuracy in musk vs non musk classification.
Details of which are described below. Link for the jupyter notebooks on github and colab along with the link for the model files of all the models are at the end of this document in the form of table.
musk vs non-musk | 102 class of molecules | |
Deep neural network | Accuracy - 0.99924242424 | Accuracy - 0.971969696969 |
Convolutional neural network | Accuracy - 0.99848484848 | Accuracy - 0.956818181818 |
Transfer learning | Accuracy - 1.0 or 100% |
musk vs non-musk | 102 class of molecules | |
Deep neural network | Github Colab model.h5 | Github Colab model.h5 |
Convolutional neural network | Github Colab model.h5 | Github Colab model.h5 |
Transfer learning | Github Colab model.h5 |