To install the code and all dependencies first install Python 3.8. Then run in the project directory:
pip install -e .
To reproduce any of the synthetic data experiments, run:
python scripts/train_synthetic_schema.py -c experiments/synthetic/<config_file>
where <config_file>
is one of the .yaml files in experiments/synthetic
In the config file, you can change a number of parameters and most importantly the path where results and trained models are saved.
To compute metrics for a whole directory of models, run:
python scripts/evaluation_toolbox_synth.py -p results -n synth/<experiment_name>
where <experiment_name>
is the name of the .yaml file, e.g. erdos_schema
To train GPT2 or Schema models on the PTB, Yahoo, or Yelp data sets, run:
python scripts/train_model.py -c experiments/<path>
with <path>
path to a config file, e.g. ptb/gpt2.yaml
For different numbers of symbols, you can modify the option n_symbols in the .yaml file, and for different random walk lengths, change rw_length in the encoder section. You can also change the directory of the saved models here.
To compute metrics for a trained model saved in results/<path>
, run:
python scripts/evaluation_toolbox.py -p results -n <path>
Functions for generating text, interpolations, and other graph statistics are all available in evaluation_toolbox.py
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.2.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see https://pyscaffold.org/.