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Shepherd App (Front-end)

This is the front-end app for ShepherdTutors, written in React and bootstrapped with create-react-app.

Launching project locally

  1. Pull the repository to your local environment by running git pull in your terminal.
  2. Run npm install to install the project's dependencies.
  3. Run npm run prepare to set up husky, which we use for pre-commits.
  4. Run npm run start to launch the project on localhost:3000. PRO-TIP: Favor npm over yarn. Funny things can happen when your package-lock.json clashes with this project's yarn.lock.

Additional helpful scripts

  1. npm run lint — to run eslint on your code
  2. npm run lint-and-fix to detect and fix linting errors.
  3. npm run build to create an optimized production build of the React code.
  4. npm run prettier-format for prettier formatting. Applies global prettier fixes to the codebase.
  5. npm run analyze to analyze your build.

Branch naming

  1. The main branch serves the production code.
  2. The dev branch serves the dev code.
  3. We have no strict requirements about how you should name your own branches, though something like {type}/{scope} is nice (an example would be feature/pdf-viewer that tells us you're creating the pdf-viewer feature on that branch.)


  1. Ensure your pre-commits return everything is awesome.
  2. Ensure your code passes the Netlify deploy pipeline (all green checkmarks, no red x'es).
  3. Have at least one other project contributor review your code before merging with either the dev or main branch.
  4. Do not use the force. Do not force-push. If you have a nasty git resolution problem, shoot an SOS message in the Slack channel, and one of your colleagues will be around to assist!

Happy coding, and LGTM!