This repo contains the code for the Latent Space Refinement (LaSeR) protocol to improve any generative model by modifying the latent space distribution. Using the DCTR and DDLS idea, we can derive latent space weights and thus define an optimized latent space distribution. In order to sample from this distribution we sugggest the following methods
- Hamilton MCMC: This is a more advanced MCMC method (compared to pure langevin dynamics) and guarantees sampling from the correct prior while keeping the autocorrelation small.
- Weighted GAN: We train a GAN on the weighted latent space to produce the corresponding unweighted but deformed latent space distribution.
- Weighted Flow: In principle the refinement network could also be a Flow but this will not fix any topological issues.
Deep neural networks can be used to reweight high-dimensional phase spaces by repurposing classifiers as reweighting functions. This was demonstrated in:
- Deep neural networks using Classification for Tuning and Reweighting (DCTR, pronounced “doctor”):
It further has already been shown in:
that these weights can be backpropagated into the latent space of a GAN to modify the proposal function of the latent space. In order to sample from this modified prior a simple MCMC method (Langevin dynamics) was used.