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Sr. No. | Title | Contents |
1 | Introduction | Introduction to python programming language and know how of the tools and techniques to be used |
2 | Programming basics | Syntax, Statements, Variables, Operators getting the ground work done for python. |
3 | Loops and Control Structures | for, while, if-else etc. the crux logic creators of the program |
4 | Strings | Simple yet most powerful and widely used data structure. |
5 | Lists and Dictionaries | Pythons favourite data structures explained. |
6 | Functions | Writing reusable code in the form of python methods |
7 | Classes and Objects | Object Oriented concepts with python |
8 | Advanced Data Structures | List, Stack, Queue and other data structures in python |
9 | File Operations | How files work, reading writing to files, use of files for better programming |
10 | Errors and exceptions | Try, catch the errors and exceptions to avoid code to break. |
11 | Standard Library | Getting to know pre-written routines to get the work done faster. |
12 | Database Application | Writing code from scratch to read and write database. |
13 | Research Project | Exploring libraries related to data processing, e.g. numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas. |
14 | Web Development | Flask, Django Web Server Development. |
15 | Automation | Web Scraping, Google Suite, File Formats, Keyboard and Mouse. |