Here I am going to write some of the commonly used commands in git
- man git-[verb]
- git help [verb]
- git [verb] --help
- git config --list
- git config --global "[username]"
- git config --global "[emailAddress]" (By default the option is --local for that repo. We can also use --system to apply system wide)
- git init (To initialize your present working directory)
- git clone [ssh,https url]
git config --global alias.[aliasName] [command]
- git status # using option -s will show in short
- git log # using -p -2 will show code difference introduced in each commit 2 lines in each commit
- git log --stat # will show stats by file wise in numerals (To see the change log or the history of the project)
- git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s" (Shows log in format specified)
- git annotate [file] (Shows information about each line about hashes and author)
- git add [file or directory] (Adds file or directory to staging area, if just included with -A option it adds all files in working directory)
- git reset HEAD [fileName] (To unstage the adding)
- git commit -m "[message]" (Take a snapshot of project with staged files, adding -a will skip staging of all files) (! To add some forgotten thing to latest commit)
- git add [fileName]
- git commit --amend (To unmodify the changes before staging)
- git checkout --
- git rm [fileName] (Removes file from repository and needs to be commited)
- rm [fileName] (Removes file from directory but needs to be staged )
- git rm --cached [fileName] (Removes file from tracking-[from staging or commited] but is still present in directory)
- git diff [file] (Shows the difference between staged and modified file, if you add option --staged; then it shows the difference between staged and the last commit)
- git diff [branch1]..[branch2]
- git branch [branchName] (To branchout to new one from the current one)
- git checkout [branchName] (To start working in specified branch)
- git checkout -b [newbranch] (To create newbranch and checkout to that)
- For that create a new file called .gitignore and add , for detail see gitignore command (You can add filenames or patterns to ignore them while tracking them)
- git mv [oldName] [newName] (To rename any file or directory)
- git tag # tags are used to mark important (Lists the tags marked)
- git tag [tagName] # creates lightweight tag, it's just alais to commit
- git tag -a [tagName] -m "[message]" (Used to create a tag)
- git show [tagName] (Shows information about tag)
- git push [remoteName] [tagName] (Pushes tags which are not by default not pushed, including just --tags pushes all)
- git remote (Gives list of remote repository(s), if included with -v gives details)
- git remote add [nameOfRemote] [ssh,https url]
- git remote rename [oldName] [newName]
- git remote show [remoteName] (Shows details about remote repository)
- git remote remove [repoName] (Removes the server url)
- git fetch [remoteName]
- git push [remoteName] [remoteBranch]