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In this repository, you can find the lang files for the framework PHP, Laravel 4.

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Laravel 4.0

We need your help to finish to translate validation.php file with array elements.

You can follow translations in the issue #73.

Laravel 4.1

Password reminder sent

To be ready for the new version of Laravel, we need your help. In reminders.php file, a new line has been added :

"sent" => "Password reminder sent!",

You can follow translations in the issue #137.

Required without all

In validation.php file, a new line has been added :

"required_without_all" => "The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present."

You can follow translations in the issue #172.

Validation email

In validation.php file, the text for email has beed updated :

"email" => "The :attribute must be a valid email address."

You can follow translations in the issue #187.

Required with all

In validation.php file, a new line has beed added :

"required_with_all" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is present."

You can follow translations in the issue #193.

How add languages in my app ?

Installation by GitHub

Installation by Composer

  • Add "caouecs/laravel4-lang": "dev-master" in your composer.json in "require" or run composer require caouecs/laravel4-lang
  • Do "composer update"
  • Files of languages are in "vendor/caouecs/laravel4-lang" directory
  • Copy the folders of languages that you want, in app/lang folder of your application Laravel

Language by default in your app

In the file app/config/app.php, change the value of language by the short name of your language.

How can I add a language in this project ?

  • fork this repository
  • create a directory with the short name of the language (ex: fr for French) from ISO-639-1 ( see Wikipedia )
  • copy this three files of the english version with your translate
  • add a pull request with the name of the language

How can I fix a file ?

  • fork this repository
  • update the file
  • add a pull request with the name of the language


List of 37 languages for Laravel4






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