This Cypress Framework allow us to perform GUI BDD E2E Flow with Web Application.
More info on:
Use the package manager [npm]( to install the framework and all the dependencies.
Under repo directory
npm install
| Operating System | Flavour |
|------------------ |--------- |
| Apple | Mac OS |
| Linux | Ubuntu |
| Others | Windows |
core folder contains all the core functionalities related to framework
|------------------------- |--------------------------------------- |
| Stroer-Core/Config | Environment Config |
| Stroer-Core/Types | Project Types, Cypress Config |
| Stroer-Core/Pages | TestPage Utilities |
"lint": "eslint src/stroer/stepDefinitions/**/*.js", "lint:fix": "npm run lint --fix", "cypress:runner": "npx cypress open", "cypress:run": "cypress run --reporter mocha-allure-reporter", "cypress:allure": "allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report && allure open", "cypress:allure:clear": "rm -r allure-results/ allure-report cypress/screenshots || true", "cypress:allure:report": "allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report", "cypress:allure:history": "mv -f allure-report/history allure-results/history && rm -r allure-report || true"
reports folder contains files related to allure reporting(Only gets created after you run the command to generate report).
npm run cypress:run -- --spec "cypress/e2e/1-getting-started/"
| Supported Browser |
|------------------- |
| Chrome |
| FireFox |
| Electron |
| Chromium |
"cypress:allure": "allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report && allure open"
npm run cypress:allure
Saravanan Rajamanickam