This tool can be used to extract and display the power query mashup formulas in use by your PBIX file. Its primary purpose is to work with #GIT, but can be used standalone to. There are 2 ways in which it can be used with GIT: using GIT's differencing engine using textconv driver and using an external tool (such as visual studio or WinMerge). In addition, the tool also can be used with JSON files. This allows you to difference dataflow JSON files that you might have exported out of PowerBi online.
This tool does not allow you to perform merges and using it for merges will likely cause corruption of your files. Its intended usage it to perform comparison between different versions to make sure the changes you are checking into source control are what you intended to apply. It currently does not have the ability to compare measures and columns added to the datamodel via DAX.
When used with PBIX, the tool extracts the mashup formulas in your PBIX file. If used with the textconv driver, the tool extracts the mashup and outputs it to standard output (console). This is done, because GIT uses the std-output and extracts the text and performs its differencing using its enternal diff engine. This allows you to use the git diff command with its various options. When used with an external tool like VisualStudio, the tool extracts the mashup from the 2 input files and saves them to temp files, the temp files are provided to the external tool to perform its differencing.
Get the latest set of files and download it to your computer from releases
a. Expand the assets section under the latest release and download the file.
Unzip the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer (tip: before doing this, right click on the zip file and go to properties and check the "Unblock" checkbox and click ok).
- Run the script "pbiDiffer_installInGit.cmd". This script must be run from the location where the PowerBiDiffer tool has been downloaded. The tool can be uninstalled from GIT using: "pbiDiffer_uninstallInGit.cmd"
You can right click on a file and select the compare with previous version option. Similarly, you can view the history of your file and perform comparsions between versions
You can use this tool with VsCode and WinMerge. Uncomment the appropriate sections in the script PowerBiDiffer.cmd, to use it with your favorite tool.
These are instructions for using the tool with git from the command prompt.
git difftool *.pbix
git difftool *.json
Compare using PowerBiDiffer the commit that was 3 revisions prior
git difftool HEAD~3 -t PowerBiDiffer
Display the difference for only files with extension *.json, comparing current set of files to previous check in (useful when you are looking at changes in branch)
git difftool HEAD^^ *.json
Display the difference between current commit and the previous commit (use ^ to signify how far back)
git difftool HEAD^ HEAD
Display the difference between 2 commits (all of these commands can be used with just git diff too).
git difftool 3208 fc4b
Display the difference between commit 3208 and HEAD
git difftool 3208 HEAD
Display the difference for only files with extension *.json
git difftool *.json
The following steps need to be done only if you wish to use the gitdiff tool
Add a .gitattributes file if you dont already have one (this is located at the root of your repo)
Add the following text to the .gitattributes file (these are needed if you wish to use git diff, but not git difftool)
*.PBIX diff=pbix
*.pbix diff=pbix
*.json diff=json
*.JSON diff=json
git diff *.pbix
git diff *.json
to exit out of the diff mode hit q
The tool can be run on its own and has 2 modes: textconv and difftool.
Textconv takes a single file as input and spits out to std output the text.
The difftool takes 2 files as input and converts them to text and invokes the diff tool specified on the command line to run.
spit out the json unminified and \r\n replaced with newlines
textconv "testA.json"
Use a tool to display the differences
difftool "testA.json" "testb.json" -d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" -a "/diff \"{lp}\" \"{rp}\" \"{ln}\" \"{rn}\""
difftool "testA.json" "testb.json" -d "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\winmergeu.exe" -a "/xq /e /s /dl \"{ln}\" /dr \"{rn}\" \"{lp}\" \"{rp}\"" -v
textconv Mode: Text Conversion
difftool Mode: Diff Tool
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
-d, --difftool Diff Tool Path
-a, --args Diff Tool arguments. Supported templates: {localFilePath} or
{lp}: Local file path{remoteFilePath} or {rp}: Remote file
path{localFileName} or {ln}: local file name (for
description){remoteFileName} or {rn}: remote file name (for
-v (Default: false) Verbose
-l (Default: false) Break into debugger
-j (Default: true) Treat json files as JSON and not as text value
pos. 0 Required. Local file value
pos. 1 Remote file
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
These steps shouldnt have to be performed and are needed only if * Update GIT Configuration * did not work.
Open the config file in the .git folder of your repo
Add the following code: (Make sure you update the location to where you have put PowerBiDiffer. Also update path to Visual Studio. if you instead want to use WinMerge, replace commands appropriates)
tool = PowerBiDiffer
guitool = PowerBiDiffer
prompt = false
[difftool "PowerBiDiffer"]
cmd = \"c:\\PowerBiDiffer\\PowerBiDiffer.exe\" difftool "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -d \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv.exe\" -a '/diff \"{lp}\" \"{rp}\" \"{ln}\" \"{rn}\"'
#uncomment below to use winmerge
#cmd = \"c:\\PowerBiDiffer\\PowerBiDiffer.exe\" difftool "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -d \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\WinMerge\\winmergeu.exe\" -a '/xq /e /s /dl \"{ln}\" /dr \"{rn}\" \"{lp}\" \"{rp}\"'
keepBackup = false
[diff "json"]
textconv = \"c:\\PowerBiDiffer\\PowerBiDiffer.exe\" textconv
[diff "pbix"]
textconv = \"c:\\PowerBiDiffer\\PowerBiDiffer.exe\" textconv
- Save the file