💹 A flutter app that keeps track of your personal expenses and shows the last week's expenses.
- Composing UI from built-in and custom Widgets
- Custom Widgets are also composed from built-in and other custom Widgets
- Styling and configuring via arguments
- Use the docs & IDE support!
- Styling & layout options are very different
- Different widgets can get the job done
- Defining a global theming and text
- Built-in widgets use Theme settings automatically
- Lifting state up and use stateful widgets only when needed
- Passing functions references and data around
- Adjusting the UI to your logic
- If you don't have Flutter SDK installed, please visit official Flutter site.
- Fetch latest source code from master branch.
rajput-hemant@arch:~$ git clone https://github.com/rajput-hemant/expense-tracker
- Run the app with Android Studio or VS Code. Or the command line:
rajput-hemant@arch:~$ flutter pub get
rajput-hemant@arch:~$ flutter run