Bridge to RxJava 1 or 2 Observable, Completable, Flowable, Single, Maybe, Scheduler, and also Swing/SWT Scheduler, Akka Scheduler ...
Test Support with various Subscribers, mocking scheduler (virtual time) and graph representations.
Logback support over asynchronous Reactor Core Processors.
Mathematical utilities to compute sum, average, min or max from numerical sources.
uses a Gradle-based build system. Building the code yourself should be a straightforward case of:
git clone
cd reactor-addons
./gradlew test
This should cause the submodules to be compiled and the tests to be run. To install these artifacts to your local Maven repo, use the handly Gradle Maven plugin:
./gradlew install
Snapshot Maven artifacts are provided in the SpringSource snapshot repositories. To add this repo to your Gradle build, specify the URL like the following:
ext {
reactorVersion = '3.0.6.BUILD-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
//maven { url '' }
//maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
// Reactor Adapter (RxJava2, Akka Actors scheduler and more)
// compile "io.projectreactor.addons:reactor-adapter:$reactorVersion"
// Reactor Test (ScriptedVerification, ScriptedSubscriber, VirtualTimeScheduler)
// compile "io.projectreactor.addons:reactor-test:$reactorVersion"
// ...
- Guides (Notably
reference guide which contains a section about testing) - Reactive Streams
Reactor is Apache 2.0 licensed.