This project is designed to provide a reusable schema and data for testing the performance and interoperability of systems, databases an/or applications only.
Following the steps below will provide you with a datamodel created in your mySQL database with the means to generate random data.
❗ Refer to pre-requisites at the bottom of this page
In some cases data may appear to be real. Data accompanying this application is for developer use only and should not be used for purposes other than intended for this application. There are no guarentees or claims of accurracy or completeness.
- License for this data is via Creative Commons and has been replicated below from the originating web page
- Address data has been compiled through the usage of data via PSMA Geocoded National Address File.
- Inspired by a variety of models here at
- The mySQL Wokbench file is also inclued in this repository
Apart from a spreadsheet constaining lookup/dimension/reference type data, all other reference data has is sourced from the internet as documented above.
There is only one step in this journey; run the following script from the 00_rawdata directory to download required reference data.
cd 00_rawdata
Preprocessing will create a directory for each reference table (excluding status and codes data) to be load and extract and/or format data ready for loading. Status and Codes coming from the supplied xlsx spreadsheet will be prepared into individual files in the created ref_codes directory; one file per table to be loaded.
Run the 'run all' script to execute all at once or run each shell script individually, however the following journeys are dependant on this step being fully complete.
cd 01_preprocessing
- Copy the xlsx to ref_codes
- For each worksheet in the xlsx create a pipe delimted file
- Use the name of the worksheet as the filename
- This is performed by a simple example of using python with Excel files (openpyxl)
Preparation of the address data makes use of the mysql database. Regardless of potential double handling; the steps for the address data has been designed to make use of the database to do the preparation. This is in line with the raw data and IP supplied in the origional download and to the provide consistency of all prepared data and downstream processes.
Before performing preprocessing for Address; update the file with the path to your mysql.cnf file
Address may take a while to process, on a medium sized virtual machine it takes ~180minutes
Warnings may be thrown due to empty dates and other things such as decimal values. These should be able to be ignored; verify your ref_address.txt file
Copy the zip file to ref_address
Uncompress the zip file
Extract the table names and other database objects from the supplied SQL in the zip file
Some simple parsing of the supplied SQL file is done via python to extract the list of things to be
(!) DESTRUCTIVE (!) Check and drop tables and other database objects for the raw address data
Create tables using the supplied SQL in the zip file
Loop through the unzipped files and load them to the database
Create the table and view to facilitate a consolidated 'simple' address table
Insert select from the supplied view from the zip file
Export the simplified address table
- Copy zip file to ref_colors
- Unzip and convert to pipe delimited
- Copy to ref_first_names, last_names
- Make pipe delimited
- concatenate male and female names
- copy to ref_vehicles and unzip
- Preprocessing has already create ref_tablename directories in 01_preprocessing
- (!) Destructive (!) Create the database tables using the sql provided in the datamodel directory
- for each file, load to the corresponding table
- Remove the loaded files and clean up the preprocessing directories.
- On completiong of loading data you should have something like the following:
Looking for tables to run Count
Found 16 tables existing
Generating Count statements
Running Count tables
claim_status COUNT(*)
claim_status 4
customer COUNT(*)
customer 0
employee COUNT(*)
employee 0
motor_claim COUNT(*)
motor_claim 0
motor_policy COUNT(*)
motor_policy 0
party COUNT(*)
party 0
party_role COUNT(*)
party_role 9
policy_status COUNT(*)
policy_status 4
portfolio COUNT(*)
portfolio 0
recovery COUNT(*)
recovery 0
recovery_type COUNT(*)
recovery_type 2
ref_address COUNT(*)
ref_address 14827937
ref_colors COUNT(*)
ref_colors 1470250
ref_first_names COUNT(*)
ref_first_names 5494
ref_last_names COUNT(*)
ref_last_names 88799
ref_vehicle COUNT(*)
ref_vehicle 42275
- from an empty database the following order is required to ensure integrity
- employee
- customer
- motor_policy
- party
- portfolio
- motor_claim
- recovery
- Defaults for data generatiopn are included in the script
cd ..
cd 03_make_test_data
- Other options including deletes and updates at various frequencies are also available through the following command line options
python3 --help
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
mysql cnf file
Number of iterations to perform
-k KICKOFF, --kickoff=KICKOFF
Starting id to be used, default is max id+1 from the
specified table; Use this for running for the same
table in parellel and defined ranges.
For each iteration perform an Insert
For each iteration AND frequency combination perform
an Update on a random record; Note, where large gaps
in sequential ID's exist, this may cause many retries
to find an existing record.
For each iteration AND frequency combination perform a
Delete on a random record; Note, where large gaps in
sequential ID's exist, this may cause many retries to
find an existing record.
-a SLEEPAMT, --sleepamt=SLEEPAMT
Seconds to sleep between iterations; use this to
control the amount of activity/simulate activity on
the database table
Database Schema where the table exists
Database Table name
Delete frequency in iterations; if doDelete = True and
current iteration number modulus this value = 0 then a
Delete will be performed.
Update frequency in iterations; if doUpdate = True and
current iteration number modulus this value = 0 then
an Update will be performed.
- Example
python3 --config=../mysql.cnf --schema=staging --table=employee --iterations=20 --insert=True --update=True --updatefreq=3 --deletefreq=4 --delete=True
- On completion of you should have the following counts across the loaded tables
Looking for tables to run Count
Found 16 tables existing
Generating Count statements
Running Count tables
claim_status COUNT(*)
claim_status 4
customer COUNT(*)
customer 2000
employee COUNT(*)
employee 20
motor_claim COUNT(*)
motor_claim 10000
motor_policy COUNT(*)
motor_policy 20000
party COUNT(*)
party 0
party_role COUNT(*)
party_role 9
policy_status COUNT(*)
policy_status 4
portfolio COUNT(*)
portfolio 0
recovery COUNT(*)
recovery 50000
recovery_type COUNT(*)
recovery_type 2
ref_address COUNT(*)
ref_address 14827937
ref_colors COUNT(*)
ref_colors 1470250
ref_first_names COUNT(*)
ref_first_names 5494
ref_last_names COUNT(*)
ref_last_names 88799
ref_vehicle COUNT(*)
ref_vehicle 42275
Create a mySQL database eg.
Create a user with full authority in the database eg.
CREATE USER jarrod IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_data.* TO 'jarrod'@'%'; ALTER USER jarrod IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
Update mysql.cnf with your database details eg.
[client] host= port=3306 database=staging user=jarrod password=password
Update with the path to your mysql.cnf file eg.
export pathToOptionsFile=~/projects/gen_test_data/mysql.cnf