A timetable app aimed at students to keep track of class timings and projects due.
This app was our second year project submission for the annual Android app developing competition - DroidRush, held at our university.
We won the 'Best app by Second Year' award for this app in 2017.
- Remember when and where there are classes
- Remind the student about classes before a set time
- Automatically vibrate phone during lessons
- Keep track of pending projects
- Interactive tutorial to help users get acquainted with the app
- Home screen widget for easy viewing and access to the app
- Send the app to a friend by simply sharing it
Splash screen and the default screen of the app
Tutorial screen after opening the app for the first time
Home screen widget
Projects pane
Adding projects
About screen
Navigation drawer and settings screen
- Android Studio, IDE for developing Android apps
- Download the repository into a single folder
- Load the project into Android Studio by using the 'Add Project' menu
- Sync the gradle according to the project's gradle version
- Install the apk onto an Android device using Android Studio
- Kalyan Prusty - Lead Developer
- Shreyas Dhobal - Developer
- Rajat Biswas - Lead Designer
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.