- Set a custom prefix for your server
- Support your community with her ticket system.
- Group Changelog for specific roles
- Save your own quotes
- Manage which user or role can use a command with our permission system.
- Monitor websites or minecraft server(Mc Server have a enhanced monitoring.)
- Multiple utilities like userinfo, large emotes, reminder and send messages as her.
- A system to let user give them kudos if they do something good.
- More fun commands like mocking spongebob, magic conch and random jokes.
We also have a active developer discord, where you can report bugs and suggests features. We are open to feature requests at the moment. If you ask kind you can test beta features as well before release.
- greeting -> Manage greeting Messages for new users.
- invite -> Extension for greetings. Name your invites and see which invite the new user used.
- prefix -> Set the prefix for your server.
- ticketSettings -> Manage the ticket system.
- ticket -> Create tickets for user to help them.
- changelog -> Keep an eye on your roles an log specific roles in a channel.
- manageQuotes -> Add or remove quotes for your server.
- permission -> Manage which user or role can use a administration command.
- monitoring -> Monitor the stats of your Minecraft server or website and get notified when a service is unreachable.
- repeatCommand -> Execute your last executed command again.
- magicConch -> You don't know what to do? Ask the magic conch!
- mockingSpongebob -> yOu DOnT knOw WhAT thIs iS?
- oha -> add some oha
- owo -> Just a normal owo
- joke -> Get a random joke
- say -> You want to be shepard? Be Shepard!
- uwu -> Just a normal uwu
- Quote -> Get a random quote or a quote with a word from your quotes.
- largeEmote -> Makes small emotes larger!
- guessGame -> A funny game where you have to guess things. Requires extra channel.
- kudos -> Give Kudos to awesome people
- kudoLottery -> Or win them in the lottery
- remind -> You forget things? Shepard will remind you!
- userInfo -> Know who is on your server
- help -> The basic help command
- hireMe -> You want your own Shepard? Get her!
- home -> If you need help, come to us!
Start Arguments:
-Dshepard.config=<config path> -Dlog4j.configurationFile=<config path>