A plugin for Moonshine
A plugin for installing and managing WordPress.
Installs everything you need to get a WordPress blog up and running. See below for minimum configuration instructions, look through templates/ to see all of the available options.
To generate values for the secret keys below, click here.
script/plugin install git://github.com/railsmachine/moonshine_wordpress.git
Configure settings as needed. At the very least for a secure wordpress install, you should set these settings in config/moonshine.yml or config/moonshine/{rails_env}.yml:
:domain: blog.yourdomain.com
:secure_auth_key: SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE
:logged_in_key: SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE
:password: sekrit_db_password
:cache: true
Include the plugin and recipe(s) in your Moonshine manifest recipe :wordpress
After deploying, go to http://blog.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/install.php
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