Simple Java/Spring based SDK to enable seamless insert, update and upsert of files and records in the SalesForce in Bulk, Single Record and Multi Record Mode.
- Support Bulk upload of files of any size (even more than 150 MB) using Salesforce Bulk V2 API
- Customized chunking of records for Bulk mode operations
- Support for record by record insert, update and upsert
- Support for multi record insert, update and upsert for similar and dissimilar object
- Inbuilt and configurable Salesforce oAuth2 security support
- Auto-refresh-ability for oAuth2 access token supported
- Inbuilt and configurable proxy support to Salesforce servers
- Easy to configure and use
- Maven 3+
- Java 8+
- Salesforce oAuth2
- Spring framework.
- To use Salesforce Data Connector (SDC), Add the maven dependency in your project
- Add the annotation '@EnableJacos' in your Spring Application Main class. For example:
public class TestApp {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestApp.class);
- In the application.yml or, configure the following salesforce basic properties:
- instance_url : instance url of the salesforce server
- api_version: Salesforce API version. For example 'v42.0'. Please make sure that you are using version 42.0 or above, if you wish to use multi record operations
- chunkSizeInMB: Configure this if you are using bulk API. Leave it to the default value of 100, if you are not sure.
instance_url: ''
api_version: 'v42.0'
chunkSizeInMB: 100
- proxyEnabled : true or false
- host: proxy host value
- port: proxy port value
- timeout: read time out /connection time out for the http connection to salesforce server
- user (optional) : proxy username
- password (optional) : proxy password
proxyEnabled: true
port: 8090
timeout: 1000
client_id: client_id
client_secret: client_secret
grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: token1
content_type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- Bulk Operation
- Part Operation
- MultiPart Operation
Note: All header names in the input CSV should map to Salesforce API names.
- For Part and MultiPart Operations, you have the option to send custom REST headers while calling the SF APIs:
exampleHeaderKey1: exampleHeaderValue1
exampleHeaderKey2 : exampleHeaderValue2
The bulk operation is based on Salesforce Bulk V2 REST API.
Create the bean of BulkApi2Operations and invoking the Salesforce APIs
private BulkApi2Operations bulkApi2Operations;
BulkApi2Operations abstracts process of getting the access token from the refresh token and invoking the REST end points of Salesforce.
OperationInfo operationInfo = new OperationInfo("<Object type like Lead/Contact/Account/..>", OperationEnum.Insert/OperationEnum.Update/..,"External Id mapping field");
- OperationInfo is the place holder/class which contains the information regarding the operations.
- External Id mapping field is the field used for performing Update/Upsert Operation on any Object.
- Now you are done with all the prerequisites of invoking the Bulk Operation APIs.
- All you need to do is just call the services offered by BulkApi2Operations.
bulkApi2Operations.performSFOperation(operationInfo, "Content in csv format");
[example]: Content in csv format
"Company_c,LastName_c,State\n" +
"Id,Company,LastName,State\n" +
"Id\n" +
bulkApi2Operations.performSFOperationFromFile(operationInfo, "csv file path");
[example]: File Content in csv format
* Note: Other operations are similar
The part operation is based on Salesforce sObject REST API
For uploading data into Salesforce org record by record, use Part Operation API. To use Part Operation API, First autowire the PartApi2Operations object like
private PartApi2Operations partApi2Operations;
Form an OperationInfo object using OperationInfo constructor like the following:
OperationInfo operationInfo = new OperationInfo(objectType, OperationEnum.valueOf(operationType.toUpperCase()), "<content as a json string>");
The OperationInfo object contains various metadata info for some salesforce operation. The constructor of operation Info is as follows:
public OperationInfo(String objectType, OperationEnum operationType, String externalIdField)
- where objectType is the name of the object you are sending for insert / upsert / update. For example - Lead or Account
- operationType is the enum denoting various operations which can have the values INSERT or UPDATE or UPSERT.
- externalIdField is the id value for an update operation , null for an insert operation and : for an upsert operation.
- To call the API to send a record to the salesforce org using Part API, invoke:
response = partApi2Operations.performSFOperation(operationInfo, jsonBody);
The multi-part operation is based on Salesforce sObject Collection REST API
- For uploading data into Salesforce org record by record, use Part Operation API.
- First autowire the PartApi2Operations object like:
private PartApi2Operations partApi2Operations;
Form an OperationInfo object using OperationInfo constructor like the following:
OperationInfo operationInfo = new OperationInfo(null, OperationEnum.MULTIINSERT, null);
- The OperationInfo object contains various metadata info for some salesforce operation. The constructor of operation Info is as follows:
public OperationInfo(String objectType, OperationEnum operationType, String externalIdField)
- where objectType can be null for multi-record operations
- operationType is the enum denoting various operations which can have the values MULTIINSERT or MULTIUPDATE .
- externalIdField can be null for multi-record operations.
To call the API to send a record to the salesforce org using Part API , use:
response = partApi2Operations.performSFOperation(operationInfo, jsonBody);
- This operation read data from
and perform the part operation using salesforce composite API. - It splits input file into multiple chunks then each send it to SF using the composite API.
- The number of records per chunk is decided based on the SF API limit (200) and can be changed using the CompositeUpdateReqFileSerializer while init.
- Each SF operation status is written in outputFilePath with schema "ID,STATUS,ERROR"
* @param operationInfo contains the operation details. Supported types are MULTIINSERT or MULTIUPDATE.
* @param inputFile input file to process
* @param outputFilePath Path to write each operation output
* @throws PartApiException
partApi2Operations.performSFOperation( operationInfo, inputFile, outputFilePath)
Note: All header names in the input CSV should map to Salesforce API names.
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