This wordcounter application is a very basic model to calculate the word count of files. It reads a directory and calculates the word count of each file in the directory.
The main process involves the following :
1. Application starts up by seting up the Actor sytem with the actors and sending a scan message to FileScannerActor.
2. FileScannerActor gets all the files present in the defined directory (i.e. resources/log by default) and sends to FileParserActor.
3. The FileParserActor parses each file and sends LINES in the file along with START_OF_FILE and END_OF_FILE events to AggregatorActor.
4. The AggregatorActor aggregates the wordcount of each file and prints to console when it receives END_OF_FILE event.
The application can be run in two ways:
a. Single Mode - Runs a single SCAN to process log directory
// default execution-mode = scheduler
b. Scheduled Mode - Runs every 30 seconds (configurable)
execution-mode = single
The directory to be scanned should be present in the resources classpath. The app supports recursive scans, hence would calculate word count of each file in a directory.
// default directory, present in /resources log-directory = log
Note : Configurations regarding jmx, actor mailbox , dispatchers ,log levels and debugging options can be tuned as and when needed in application.conf
Consistency and sequencing of message events ( START_OF_FILE , line, END_OF_FILE ) can be guaranteed by use of Atomic Counter and having actor mailbox with underlying FIFO queue implementation.
The above model showcases medium scalability through following :
1. A separate dispatcher (i.e. custom-blocking-io-dispatcher) for FileParserActor (that parses lines of individual files) is configured to carry out I/O Reads in separate Execution Context such that it doesn't starve the AggregatorActor.
2. AggregatorActor has a blocking mailbox (i.e. custom-bounded-mailbox) to prevent itself from being overwhelmed by messages from FileParserActor.
However this can be debatable based on the available memory and system constraints.
The best capability of this model can be showcased by tuning these configs according to the memory and system constraints.
To create an executable jar : build/libs/wordcounter-1.0.jar
gradle createExecutableJar
To run tests: Test cases are covered for actor classes
gradle test
Running the application:
java -jar wordcounter-1.0.jar
Scanning default : "src/main/resources/log" containing 10 random sample logs
2017-07-03 19:22:05,253 INFO example.akka.wordcounter.Main - Creating Actor System ...
2017-07-03 19:22:06,274 INFO akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
2017-07-03 19:22:06,745 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/sample8.log , Word Count: 46
2017-07-03 19:22:06,747 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/sample9.log , Word Count: 21
2017-07-03 19:22:06,835 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/morelogs/sample1.log , Word Count: 34473
2017-07-03 19:22:06,839 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/sample5.log , Word Count: 25174
2017-07-03 19:22:06,847 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/morelogs/sample2.log , Word Count: 32461
2017-07-03 19:22:06,895 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/morelogs/sample3.log , Word Count: 32852
2017-07-03 19:22:06,906 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/morelogs/sample7.log , Word Count: 34473
2017-07-03 19:22:06,972 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/sample10.log , Word Count: 34473
2017-07-03 19:22:06,992 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/sample4.log , Word Count: 34314
2017-07-03 19:22:06,999 INFO e.a.w.actors.AggregatorActor - /Users/ranand/github/akka/build/resources/main/log/morelogs/sample6.log , Word Count: 34473
Enable JMX for insights into the goods and the bottlenecks
CPU Sample Snapshot
Thread State Snapshot
All application specific logs will be printed on console as well as in file (i.e. application.log). Default Log level is INFO.
JUnit 5 and Akka TestKit : Test Cases for Actors
Logback : Logging Framework
Note: TypeSafe Config (used as dependency in Akka Framework ) is overriden (application.conf overrides reference.conf of akka) and referred (i.e. loaded by Akka).
- Using Client Server Model / Akka Streams would much better suit the use case, however sequencing of message events ( START_OF_FILE , line, END_OF_FILE ) should be carefully dealt with.
- Better Supervision Strategy of Actors when processing large amount of data.