Bolt is a simple service which serves RTMP packets/streams over the web using HLS and FFMPEG.
- Bolt can connect to any existing rtmp endpoint and start serving HLS file immediately
- It offers API's to interact with the platform and can handle the scaling and redistribution of the streams from single/multiple sources
- clone the repository
- run the bash script present under scripts folder
which uses docker to run both the rtmp server and BOLT server - refer the API doc to creat Streams
- connect your broadcasting software to the RTMP endpoint (http://localhost:1935/live) and use the streamKey generated by BOLT
- once the rtmp server successfully starts receiving packets, trigger the start stream endpoint post which BOLT will start generating and serving HLS chunks
- head over to http://localhost:3000/api/live/{streamKey} to view the live playback.
created by @rahul0tripathi