This project was completed as a requirement for the "Developing Front-End Apps with React" course by IBM. It is a React-based e-commerce web application for buying houseplants and featuring a fully functional shopping cart.
Check out the live website: Paradise Nursery 🌐
- Links to the Landing Page, Product Listing Page, and Shopping Cart Page.
- A welcoming page with a button that navigates to the Product Listing Page.
- Displays 6 unique houseplants with:
- Thumbnails, names, and prices.
- Plants grouped into categories.
- An Add to Cart button for each plant that:
- Updates the shopping cart icon count.
- Becomes disabled after being clicked.
- Adds the selected plant to the cart.
- Appears on the Product Listing Page and Shopping Cart Page.
- Includes:
- A shopping cart icon showing the total number of items in the cart.
- Links to navigate between pages.
- Displays details for all items in the cart:
- Thumbnail, name, unit price, quantity, and subtotal for each plant.
- Shows the total number of items and the total cost of all items.
- Includes:
- A Checkout button displaying a placeholder message (“Coming Soon”).
- A Continue Shopping button that links to the Product Listing Page.
- Buttons for each plant to:
- Increase the quantity.
- Decrease the quantity.
- Delete the item from the cart.
This project demonstrates proficiency in:
- Building and structuring React Components.
- Managing state with Redux.
- Rendering dynamic data and handling user interactions.
- Using conditional rendering effectively.