Erlang application to watch and reload changed beam files into an
erlang node. Only loads beam files that are in a directory returned by
after removing code:lib_dir()
Depends on fswatch for notifications and therefore scales for large projects.
The environment variable WATCH_DIRS
a :
separated list of
directories controls which directories to watch. Changing WATCH_DIRS
requires the watch
application to be restarted.
This application does not watch and recompile changes to sources because:
- build systems and commands vary wildly between projects.
- recompiling does not need an erlang node.
Add as a dependency to application and ensure the application is started. Dynamic Rebar Configuration might be useful here.
- compile using
make compile
- add ebin directory to your code path
erl -pa .../erl-watch/ebin' -pa ...
- application:start(watch)
cat .../rel/riak/.erlang
%% Adding current projects ebin directories
[code:add_patha(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard("../../deps/*/ebin")].
[code:add_patha(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard("../../apps/*/ebin")].
[code:add_patha(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard("../deps/*/ebin")].
[code:add_patha(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard("../apps/*/ebin")].
[code:add_patha(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard("deps/*/ebin")].
[code:add_patha(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard("apps/*/ebin")].
[code:add_patha(Dep) || Dep <- filelib:wildcard("ebin")].
%% Starting applications
WATCH_DIRS=$(pwd) .../rel/riak/bin/riak console # WATCH_DIRS=<dir1>:<dir2> watches <dir1> and <dir2> for changes
I use watchdog like this:
CMD='rebar compile'
watchmedo shell-command \
--patterns="*.erl;*.hrl;*.dot" \
--wait \
--recursive \