This project will clean and tidy the data coming from the UCI HAR Dataset ( For more information on the data contents, you may access
In order to get the tidy dataset, you have to execute the script run_analysis.R. The working directory should be the directory where the data is stored (Inside directory 'UCI HAR Dataset')
The output of the script is
- Variable 'data_raw', containing the same information as the original dataset, but in a tidy way (step 4 in the course assignment)
- Variable 'data_agg', containing the aggregated data per subject and activity (mean) - It corresponds with the step 5 in the course assignment
- File 'output.txt', containing the same information as 'data_agg', but in a file instead of a variable
Information about the variables can be checked in the file
The processing applied to the data is the following:
- Read the data from files * Combining both test and train data
- Apply proper names to variables
- Put all the information in the same table * Including a new column indicating if it is TEST or TRAIN
- Subsitute activity id by activity name
- Select the proper columns form the dataset (mean and std)
- Perform the aggregation by subject and activity