Starting with FirmwareVersion, Yi has disabled the default telnetd and !!serial/tty!!
Solution? -> I dumped the SPI/Flash and had a bit of binwalk fun :)
On boot YiCam will check if there is a file called "" in "sdroot/Factory/" will start in the same folder.
Problem -> "./dispatch" looks for "sdroot/Factory/" and dont bring up WLAN0 if it exists.
./jffs2-root/fs_1/script/ looks for "sdroot/wifi/" and will execute it.
So we create the file wifi/
udhcpc -i wlan0 -b -s /backup/script/default.script &
sleep 10
/bin/busybox telnetd -l/bin/ash -p9999 &
- Create a fat32 formated SD-Card
- Create folder wifi
- Copy to "wifi/"
- Insert SD-Card, reboot Cam
- telnet yourcamip -p 9999
- username: "root"
- password: EMPTY
The Cam is looking for /tmp/sd/home_r10m on boot and will flash it if it exists