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tests and fixes for lookups and dimensions
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rafaqz committed Mar 6, 2024
1 parent d790fea commit de0449b
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Showing 8 changed files with 79 additions and 57 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/DimensionalData.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ using .Dimensions.Lookups
using .Dimensions: StandardIndices, DimOrDimType, DimTuple, DimTupleOrEmpty, DimType, AllDims
import .Lookups: metadata, set, _set, rebuild, basetypeof,
order, span, sampling, locus, val, index, bounds, intervalbounds,
hasselection, units, SelectorOrInterval
hasselection, units, SelectorOrInterval, Begin, End
import .Dimensions: dims, refdims, name, lookup, kw2dims, hasdim, label, _astuple

import DataAPI.groupby
Expand All @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ export X, Y, Z, Ti, Dim, Coord
# Selector
export At, Between, Touches, Contains, Near, Where, All, .., Not, Bins, CyclicBins

export Begin, End

export AbstractDimArray, DimArray

export AbstractDimVector, AbstractDimMatrix, AbstractDimVecOrMat, DimVector, DimMatrix, DimVecOrMat
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Dimensions/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(d::Dimension{<:AbstractArray}, i::SelectorOrInterval)
Base.$f(d, selectindices(val(d), i))
# Everything else (like custom indexing from other packages) passes through to the parent
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(d::Dimension{<:AbstractArray}, i)
Base.$f(parent(d), i)
x = Base.$f(parent(d), i)
x isa AbstractArray ? rebuild(d, x) : x
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lookups/Lookups.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ include("lookup_traits.jl")

9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/Lookups/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
rebuild(l; data=Base.$f(parent(l), i))
# Selector gets processed with `selectindices`
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(l::Lookup, i::SelectorOrInterval) = Base.$f(l, selectindices(l, i))
# Everything else (like custom indexing from other packages) passes through to the parent
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(l::Lookup, i) = Base.$f(parent(l), i)
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(l::Lookup, i)
x = Base.$f(parent(l), i)
x isa AbstractArray ? rebuild(l; data=x) : x
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(l::Lookup, i::AbstractBeginEndRange)
l[Base.to_indices(l, (i,))...]
54 changes: 34 additions & 20 deletions src/Lookups/lookup_traits.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ isrev(::Type{<:ForwardOrdered}) = false
isrev(::Type{<:ReverseOrdered}) = true

Locus <: LookupTrait
Position <: LookupTrait
Abstract supertype of types that indicate the position of index values
where they represent [`Intervals`](@ref).
Expand All @@ -83,49 +83,63 @@ These allow for values array cells to align with the [`Start`](@ref),
This means they can be plotted with correct axis markers, and allows automatic
converrsions to between formats with different standards (such as NetCDF and GeoTiff).
abstract type Locus <: LookupTrait end
abstract type Position <: LookupTrait end

Center <: Locus
Center <: Position
Indicates a lookup value is for the center of its corresponding array cell.
Used to specify lookup values correspond to the center position in an interval.
struct Center <: Locus end
struct Center <: Position end

Begin <: Locus
Start <: Position
Used to specify lookup values correspond to the center
position of an interval.
struct Start <: Position end

Indicates a lookup value is for the start of its corresponding array cell,
in the direction of the lookup index order.
struct Begin <: Locus end
Begin <: Position
const Start = Begin
Used to specify the `begin` index of a `Dimension` axis.
as regular `begin` will not work with named dimensions.
End <: Locus
struct Begin <: Position end

End <: Position
Indicates a lookup value is for the end of its corresponding array cell,
in the direction of the lookup index order.
Used to specify the `end` index of aa `Dimension` axis,
as regular `end` will not work with named dimensions.
Also ysed to specify lookup values correspond to the center
position of an interval.
struct End <: Locus end
struct End <: Position end

AutoLocus <: Locus
AutoPosition <: Position
Indicates a interval where the index position is not yet known.
This will be filled with a default value on object construction.
struct AutoLocus <: Locus end
struct AutoPosition <: Position end

# Deprecated
const Locus = Union{AutoPosition,Start,Center,End}
const AutoLocus = AutoPosition

Sampling <: LookupTrait
Expand All @@ -139,7 +153,7 @@ struct NoSampling <: Sampling end
locus(sampling::NoSampling) = Center()

struct AutoSampling <: Sampling end
locus(sampling::AutoSampling) = AutoLocus()
locus(sampling::AutoSampling) = AutoPosition()

Points <: Sampling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,7 +182,7 @@ Intervals require a [`Locus`](@ref) of [`Start`](@ref), [`Center`](@ref) or
struct Intervals{L} <: Sampling
Intervals() = Intervals(AutoLocus())
Intervals() = Intervals(AutoPosition())

locus(sampling::Intervals) =
rebuild(::Intervals, locus) = Intervals(locus)
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/Lookups/selector.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ function selectindices(l::Lookup, sel::Not; kw...)
indices = selectindices(l, sel.skip; kw...)
return first(to_indices(l, (Not(indices),)))
selectindices(l::Lookup, i; kw...) = first(Base.to_indices(l, (i,)))
@inline function selectindices(l::Lookup, sel; kw...)
selstr = sprint(show, sel)
throw(ArgumentError("Invalid index `$selstr`. Did you mean `At($selstr)`? Use stardard indices, `Selector`s, or `Val` for compile-time `At`."))

At <: IntSelector
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1043,10 +1046,6 @@ function selectindices end
# @inline selectindices(dim::Lookup, sel::Val) = selectindices(val(dim), At(sel))
# Standard indices are just returned.
@inline selectindices(::Lookup, sel::StandardIndices) = sel
@inline function selectindices(l::Lookup, sel)
selstr = sprint(show, sel)
throw(ArgumentError("Invalid index `$selstr`. Did you mean `At($selstr)`? Use stardard indices, `Selector`s, or `Val` for compile-time `At`."))
# Vectors are mapped
@inline selectindices(lookup::Lookup, sel::Selector{<:AbstractVector}) =
[selectindices(lookup, rebuild(sel; val=v)) for v in val(sel)]
Expand Down
42 changes: 20 additions & 22 deletions src/array/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,17 +13,13 @@ const SelectorOrStandard = Union{SelectorOrInterval,StandardIndices}
const DimensionIndsArrays = Union{AbstractArray{<:Dimension},AbstractArray{<:DimTuple}}
const DimensionalIndices = Union{DimTuple,DimIndices,DimSelectors,Dimension,DimensionIndsArrays}
const _DimIndicesAmb = Union{AbstractArray{Union{}},DimIndices{<:Integer},DimSelectors{<:Integer}}
const _DimIndicesAmb2 = Union{Tuple{Dimension,Vararg{Dimension}},AbstractArray{<:Dimension},AbstractArray{<:Tuple{Dimension,Vararg{Dimension}}},DimIndices,DimSelectors,Dimension}

for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
_f = Symbol(:_, f)
@eval begin
if Base.$f === Base.view
@eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Union{CartesianIndex,CartesianIndices})
x = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
I = to_indices(A, (i,))
rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, I)
@eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Integer)
@eval @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::Integer)
x = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
I = to_indices(A, (CartesianIndices(A)[i],))
rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, I)
Expand All @@ -32,23 +28,20 @@ for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
#### Array getindex/view ###
# These are needed to resolve ambiguity
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::Integer) = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i::CartesianIndex) = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
# CartesianIndices
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, I::CartesianIndices) =
Base.$f(A, to_indices(A, (I,))...)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::Integer) = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i)
x = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
# @propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i)
# x = Base.$f(parent(A), i)
# if $f != view || x isa AbstractArray
# rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, i)
# else
# x
# end
# end
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1, I...)
x = Base.$f(parent(A), i1, I...)
if $f != view || x isa AbstractArray
rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, i)
@propagate_inbounds function Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1, i2, I...)
x = Base.$f(parent(A), i1, i2, I...)
if $f != view || x isa AbstractArray
rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, to_indices(A, (i1, i2, I...)))
rebuildsliced(Base.$f, A, x, to_indices(A, (i1, I...)))
Expand All @@ -63,6 +56,8 @@ for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::SelectorOrStandard, I::SelectorOrStandard...) =
Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, (i1, I...))...)

@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, extent::Extents.Extent) =
Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, extent)...)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, extent::Extents.Extent) =
Base.$f(A, dims2indices(A, extent)...)
# All Dimension indexing modes combined
Expand All @@ -74,7 +69,10 @@ for f in (:getindex, :view, :dotview)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::DimIndices) = $_f(A, i)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::DimSelectors) = $_f(A, i)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimVector, i::_DimIndicesAmb) = $_f(A, i)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::_DimIndicesAmb, I::_DimIndicesAmb...) = $_f(A, i1, I...)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::_DimIndicesAmb, I::_DimIndicesAmb...) =
$_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(i1, I...)...)
@propagate_inbounds Base.$f(A::AbstractDimArray, i1::_DimIndicesAmb2, I::_DimIndicesAmb2...) =
$_f(A, _simplify_dim_indices(i1, I)...)

# Use underscore methods to minimise ambiguities
@propagate_inbounds $_f(A::AbstractBasicDimArray, d1::Dimension, ds::Dimension...) =
Expand Down
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions test/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ end
@testset "lookup" begin
@testset "Points" begin
l = Sampled(2.0:2.0:10, ForwardOrdered(), Regular(2.0), Points(), nothing)
@test l[:] == l
@test l[1:5] == l
@test l[:] == l[Begin:End] == l
@test l[Begin:5] == l[1:5] == l
@test l[Begin:End] isa typeof(l)
@test l[1:5] isa typeof(l)
@test l[[1, 3, 4]] == view(l, [1, 3, 4]) ==
Base.dotview(l, [1, 3, 4]) ==
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,9 +111,10 @@ end

@testset "Intervals" begin
l = Sampled(2.0:2.0:10, ForwardOrdered(), Regular(2.0), Intervals(Start()), nothing)
@test l[:] == l
@test l[:] == l[Begin:End] == l
@test l[1:5] == l
@test l[1:5] isa typeof(l)
@test l[Begin:End] isa typeof(l)
@test l[[1, 3, 4]] == Sampled([2.0, 6.0, 8.0], ForwardOrdered(), Irregular(2.0, 10.0), Intervals(Start()), nothing)
@test l[Int[]] == Sampled(Float64[], ForwardOrdered(), Irregular(nothing, nothing), Intervals(Start()), nothing)
@test l[Near(2.1)] == 2.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,7 +170,9 @@ end
d = X(Sampled(2.0:2.0:10, ForwardOrdered(), Regular(2.0), Points(), nothing))
@test @inferred d[:] == d
@test @inferred d[1:5] == d
@test @inferred d[1:5] isa typeof(d)
@test d[1:5] isa typeof(d)
@test @inferred d[Begin:End] == d
@test d[Begin:End] isa typeof(d)
# TODO properly handle index mashing arrays: here Regular should become Irregular
# @test d[[1, 3, 4]] == X(Sampled([2.0, 6.0, 8.0], ForwardOrdered(), Regular(2.0), Points(), nothing))
# @test d[[true, false, false, false, true]] == X(Sampled([2.0, 10.0], ForwardOrdered(), Regular(2.0), Points(), nothing))
Expand Down

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