Small basic Node + Gulp framework to compile SASS/LESS/STYLUS & ES6 scripts and optionally upload to server via FTP (FTP use based on Hubspot CMS needs, further actual deployment tools to be implemented)
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Node is required. You can download it from here
All the packages below are required.
Check package.json file
A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running
Copy all files to your project.
Keep in mind of package.json file which contains the packages used in this project.
Then install the packages
npm install
You'll need to add your specific configs in the file living the config folder. You can find a config-sample.json.txt file there for reference. Edit as per required to your project.
- config
-- config-sample.json
Simply run
npm run watch
Once the task is running your css/js files will be watched and on any updates the files will get compiled into the output bundle and then uploaded to the FTP.
Once you have a final version for your scripts, you can obfuscate them by running the obfuscate task
npm run production
- Rafael Marins - Initial work - Deploiii