A simple kanban board to help you manage your daily tasks based on HTML5/JS with local storage.
- A simple kanban board to help a SINGLE person.
- Fixed 3-column kanban: To Do, Work In Progress, Done
- Lean task model: title, description and status.
- Tasks are stored on your browser cache.
- IT IS NOT a flexible shared kanban board to help a team.
- YOU CAN'T customize the kanban (columns, colors, etc.).
- THERE's NO tools for managers such as statistics and graphs.
Just clone the project contents and run the index.html file with your favorite browser:
git clone http://github.com/rafaelodon/kanban
Since the kanban board data is cached under the URL you type, I strongly suggest you to clone it inside your Apache or Nginx public www folder (e.g. /var/www/kanban) and access it through your http server (e.g. http://localhost/kanban).
Also hosted at: http://rafaelodon.github.io/kanban