This is an assignment for CS 232 - Advanced Data Structures course, the assignment is to test the "Curse of dimensionality" by calculating the euclidean distance in several cases.
This where the results testing locally
Multidimensional curse test using vectors
For 10000dimensions with 5elements
It would take: 7384107 microseconds.
For 10000dimensions with 10elements
It would take: 10711536 microseconds.
For 10000dimensions with 15elements
It would take: 19293257 microseconds.
For 10000dimensions with 20elements
It would take: 5150 microseconds.
For 15000dimensions with 5elements
It would take: 28494073 microseconds.
For 15000dimensions with 10elements
It would take: 42894522 microseconds.
For 15000dimensions with 15elements
It would take: 75267091 microseconds.
For 15000dimensions with 20elements
It would take: 14057 microseconds.
For 25000dimensions with 5elements
It would take: 64163044 microseconds.
For 25000dimensions with 10elements
It would take: 96354726 microseconds.
For 25000dimensions with 15elements
It would take: 160333325 microseconds.
For 25000dimensions with 20elements
It would take: 32791 microseconds.
Process finished with exit code 0
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