kxd is a command-line utility that allows you to easily switch between Kubernetes configuration files (kubeconfig) contexts. This tool is designed to simplify the management of multiple Kubernetes clusters and contexts.
- Switch between different kubeconfig files.
- Switch between Kubernetes contexts within a kubeconfig file.
- Switch between Kubernetes namespaces in a context.
- Installation
- Usage
- Switching Kubeconfig Files
- Switching Kubernetes Contexts
- Switching Kubernetes Context Namespaces
- Getting Current Kubeconfig, Kubernetes Context or Context Namespace
- Version
- Persist KUBECONFIG across new shells
- Show your set kubeconfig in your shell prompt
- Add autocompletion
- TL;DR (full config example)
- Contributing
- License
Make sure you have Go installed. You can download it from here.
brew tap radiusmethod/kxd
brew install kxd
or just
brew install radiusmethod/kxd/kxd
make install
Add the following to your bash profile or zshrc then open new terminal or source that file
alias kxd="source _kxd"
Ex. echo -ne '\nalias kxd="source _kxd"' >> ~/.zshrc
Upgrading consists of just doing a brew update and brew upgrade.
brew update && brew upgrade radiusmethod/kxd/kxd
By default, Kubeconfig Switcher looks for files with an extension of .conf
. You can customize the behavior by setting an environment variable.
This can be a single matcher or a comma seperated string for multiple matchers.
: The file matcher(s) used to identify kubeconfig files (default is.conf
- See docs for more info kxd
It is possible to shortcut the menu selection by passing the config name you want to switch to as an argument.
> kxd dev.conf
Config dev.conf set.
To switch between different kubeconfig files using the menu, use the following command:
kxd f s
This command will display a list of available kubeconfig files in your ~/.kube
directory. Select the one you want to use.
To switch between Kubernetes contexts within a kubeconfig file, use the following command:
kxd ctx s
This command will display a list of available contexts in your current kubeconfig file. Select the one you want to switch to.
To switch between Kubernetes context namespaces within a kubeconfig context, use the following command:
kxd ns s
This command will display a list of kubernetes namespaces in your currently set cluster. Select the one you want to switch to.
To get the currently set Kubeconfig, Kubernetes Context or Context Namespace, use the following commands:
kxd f c
This command will display the currently set kubeconfig file.
kxd ctx c
This command will display the currently set Kubernetes Context.
kxd ns c
This command will display the currently set Kubernetes Context Namespace.
To check the version of Kubeconfig Switcher, use the following command:
kxd version
To persist the set config when you open new terminal windows, you can add the following to your bash profile or zshrc.
export KUBECONFIG=$(kxd file current)
For better visibility into what your shell is set to it can be helpful to configure your prompt to show the value of the env variable KUBECONFIG
Here's a sample of my zsh prompt config using oh-my-zsh themes
# Kubeconfig info
local kxd_info='$(kxd_config)'
function kxd_config {
local config="${KUBECONFIG:=}"
if [ -z "$config" ]
echo -n ""
config=$(basename $config)
echo -n "%{$fg_bold[blue]%}kx:(%{$fg[cyan]%}${config}%{$fg_bold[blue]%})%{$reset_color%} "
To include prompt support in OhMyZsh, add the following lines to your ~/.p10k.zsh
# kxd prompts
typeset -g _kxd_config
typeset -g _kxd_basename=''
typeset -g _kxd_content="kx:(${_kxd_basename})"
function prompt_kxd() {
local _kxd_config="${KUBECONFIG:=}"
if [ -z "$_kxd_config" ]
_kxd_basename="%F{cyan}$(basename $_kxd_config)%f"
p10k segment -b 0 -f 4 -t ${_kxd_content}
function instant_prompt_kxd() {
p10k segment -b 0 -f 4 -t ${_kxd_content}
Then add kxd
to either your left or right prompt segments.
You can add autocompletion when passing config as argument by adding the following to your bash profile or zshrc file.
source _kxd_autocomplete
Now you can do kxd my-k
and hit tab and if you had a config my-kubeconfig
it would autocomplete and find it.
alias kxd="source _kxd"
source _kxd_autocomplete
export KXD_MATCHER="-config,.conf"
export KUBECONFIG=$(kxd file current)
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or create a pull request on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.