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Versetul Zilei WhatsApp Bot

This project automatically sends daily Bible verses to a WhatsApp group using Cloudflare Workers and the WhatsApp HTTP API.


  • Daily scheduled delivery of Bible verses
  • Typing indicators simulation (can be disabled)
  • Romanian date formatting
  • Basic authentication for API endpoints

WAHA Configuration

To get your WhatsApp Chat ID and configure WAHA:

  1. Install Docker if not already installed:

    # For macOS (with Homebrew):
    brew install --cask docker
    # Start Docker Desktop
    open -a Docker
  2. Download and run WAHA:

    docker-compose up
  3. Open the WAHA dashboard:

    open http://localhost:3000/dashboard
    • default credentials: dev / dev-password
  4. In the dashboard:

    • Start a new session (leave settings as default)
    • Scan the QR code with your WhatsApp mobile app
    • Wait for status to change to "WORKING"
  5. To get your group chat ID:

  6. Add the chat ID to your .env file:


Development Setup


  1. Node.js (v18 or higher)
  2. npm or yarn
  3. Cloudflare Workers CLI (wrangler)
  4. WhatsApp HTTP API instance


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd versetul-zilei-whatsapp
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables:

    • Copy .env.example to .env and .dev.vars
    • Copy .dev.vars.example to .dev.vars
    • Update the values with your actual credentials

    Example .env file:

  4. Start local development server:

    npm run dev

Deployment to Cloudflare Workers

  1. Install Wrangler CLI if not already installed:

    npm install -g wrangler
  2. Login to Cloudflare:

    wrangler login
  3. Update wrangler.toml with your Cloudflare account details

  4. Deploy to Cloudflare Workers:

    wrangler deploy


Environment Variables

Variable Description Example Value
WHATSAPP_API_URL URL of your WhatsApp HTTP API instance http://localhost:3000
WHATSAPP_CHAT_ID WhatsApp group chat ID
WHATSAPP_SESSION WhatsApp session name default
WHATSAPP_AUTH_USER Basic auth username for WhatsApp API dev
WHATSAPP_AUTH_PASS Basic auth password for WhatsApp API dev-password
WHATSAPP_GROUP_URL URL of the WhatsApp group

Scheduled Events

The worker is configured to run daily at 5:30 AM UTC (7:30 AM Romania time) via the cron trigger in wrangler.toml.

API Endpoints

  • GET / - Redirects to WhatsApp group URL
  • GET /send-daily-verse - Manually trigger verse sending
    • Optional query parameter: ?typing=false to disable typing indicators
  • GET /__scheduled - Internal endpoint for scheduled events


To manually test the verse sending:

curl "http://localhost:8787/send-daily-verse"

To test without typing indicators:

curl "http://localhost:8787/send-daily-verse?typing=false"


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


MIT License


For support or feature requests, please open an issue on GitHub.