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raxod502 committed May 26, 2016
0 parents commit c264328
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,844 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Grapher/MobiusCustom.gcx
Binary file not shown.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Copyright © 2015-2016 Radon Rosborough. All rights reserved.

# General info

In the fall of my senior year in high school, I took a class called Design Technology 2. For my final project, I constructed a three-dimensional model of a certain irregular solid out of cross-sections, using the laser cutter. It would have been impossible to design the schematics by hand, so I wrote this library to generate them for me. You can see a making-of video at my website [here][other projects].

The functions of each of the files in `src/layerize` are as follows:
- `applet` is a Quil applet that visualizes cross sections of the solid and shows the tracing process; it is interactive and requires keyboard input
- `bezier` contains an algorithm for drawing smooth (Bézier) curves through points; it is unused
- `core` is the main namespace and contains routines for generating the schematics
- `equation` contains the equations that define the solid
- `problems` contains some routines for identifying places where the generated pieces would intersect (and might need to be filed down or recut); it was written in a panic when I realized that such intersections could happen
- `schematic` contains the logic for placing grooves in the cross-sectional pieces
- `svg` converts schematics to SVG code for the laser cutter
- `trace` converts a collection of points representing a cross section into an ordered list of points that can be used as a path
- `util` contains general utility functions, including the algorithm used to group cross sections into disjoint pieces as well as the routines used to deal with viewing frames in the applet

This is relatively old code. Also, it was written pretty quickly, in a shorter amount of time than [MazeGen][mazegen]. As a consequence, it doesn't have nice, easy-to-use endpoints. Also, there are a number of problems that I handled by adjusting the output manually. Unlike MazeGen, it is probably not suitable for use by anyone other than me. However, if you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me at [][email] and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

## Miscellany

- To generate the schematics, I think you have to call `core/pieces` and pass the result to `svg/pieces->svg`.
- The pieces are not arranged neatly on the canvas as in MazeGen. You will have to arrange them manually.
- This project requires significant improvements to the grooving algorithm in `schematic`. Without them, it generates a number of the pieces so that they intersect with other pieces. I had to manually adjust and recut quite a few pieces.
- The solid can be viewed in Grapher using the file `Grapher/MobiusCustom.gcx`.

[other projects]:
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
; Copyright © 2015-2016 Radon Rosborough. All rights reserved.
layerize "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Generates laser-cutter schematics for a certain 3D solid."
:main layerize.core
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.1.1"]
[org.clojure/math.numeric-tower "0.0.4"]
[quil "2.2.6"]])
297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions src/layerize/applet.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
; Copyright © 2015-2016 Radon Rosborough. All rights reserved.
(ns layerize.applet
(:require [layerize.equation :as eq]
[layerize.trace :refer :all]
[layerize.util :as util :refer [get-x get-y get-ul get-lr]]
[quil.core :as q]
[quil.middleware :as qm]))

;;; UI config

(def point-size

(def path-size

(def window-size

(def movement-fraction

(def zoom-factor

(def offset-multiple

;;; Helper functions

(defn scale-radius
[radius state]
(* (/ radius
(- (-> state :bounds get-lr get-x)
(-> state :bounds get-ul get-x))
(- (-> state :viewing-frame get-lr get-x)
(-> state :viewing-frame get-ul get-x)))
(#(* % %) (- (-> state :window-frame get-lr get-x)
(-> state :window-frame get-ul get-x)))))

(defn reset-points
(print "Recalculating points... ") (flush)
(let [res (vec (eq/cross-section (eq/point-mesh 2000 2000)
1 offset 0.03))]
(println "done.")

(defn reset-queue
(assoc state
:queue (concat ; Current position
(if (:cur-pos state)
(map vector
(repeat (:cur-pos state))
[[0 255 0] [0 0 255]]
[(scale-radius outer-tolerance state)
(scale-radius inner-tolerance state)]))
; Points
(map vector
(:points state)
(repeat [0 0 0])
(repeat (scale-radius point-size state)))
; Current path
(if (#{:begin-tracing :tracing} (:stage state))
(map vector
(:path state)
(repeat [255 0 0])
(repeat path-size)))
; Completed paths
(map vector
(apply concat (:paths state))
(repeat [255 0 0])
(repeat path-size)))
:clear :pre
:done 0))

;;; Quil functions

(declare update)

(defn setup
(q/frame-rate 60)
(let [points (reset-points 0)
bounds (util/bounds points)
window-frame (util/squarify bounds
[[0 0]
[window-size window-size]]
[path-size path-size])
reversed-window-frame [[(-> window-frame get-ul get-x)
(- window-size
(-> window-frame get-ul get-y))]
[(-> window-frame get-lr get-x)
(- window-size
(-> window-frame get-lr get-y))]]]
{; Algorithm
:points points

; Viewing
:bounds bounds
:window-frame window-frame
:reversed-window-frame reversed-window-frame
:viewing-frame window-frame
:offset 0
:offset-inc 0.5
:offset-buffer ""

; Rendering
:queue (map vector
(repeat [0 0 0])
(repeat (scale-radius point-size {:bounds bounds
:window-frame window-frame
:viewing-frame window-frame})))
:clear :pre
:done 0

(defn key-typed
[state {key-word :key}]
(let [size (max (- (-> state :viewing-frame get-lr get-x)
(-> state :viewing-frame get-ul get-x))
(- (-> state :viewing-frame get-lr get-y)
(-> state :viewing-frame get-ul get-y)))]
(case key-word
:a (-> state
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 0] - (* size movement-fraction))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 0] - (* size movement-fraction))
:d (-> state
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 0] + (* size movement-fraction))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 0] + (* size movement-fraction))
:w (-> state
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 1] - (* size movement-fraction))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 1] - (* size movement-fraction))
:s (-> state
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 1] + (* size movement-fraction))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 1] + (* size movement-fraction))
:= (let [width (- (-> state :viewing-frame get-lr get-x)
(-> state :viewing-frame get-ul get-x))
height (- (-> state :viewing-frame get-lr get-y)
(-> state :viewing-frame get-ul get-y))]
(-> state
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 0] + (-> zoom-factor / - inc (* width 1/2)))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 0] - (-> zoom-factor / - inc (* width 1/2)))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 1] + (-> zoom-factor / - inc (* height 1/2)))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 1] - (-> zoom-factor / - inc (* height 1/2)))
:-( let [width (- (-> state :viewing-frame get-lr get-x)
(-> state :viewing-frame get-ul get-x))
height (- (-> state :viewing-frame get-lr get-y)
(-> state :viewing-frame get-ul get-y))]
(-> state
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 0] - (-> zoom-factor dec (* width 1/2)))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 0] + (-> zoom-factor dec (* width 1/2)))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 0 1] - (-> zoom-factor dec (* height 1/2)))
(update-in [:viewing-frame 1 1] + (-> zoom-factor dec (* height 1/2)))
:o (let [offset-inc (* (:offset-inc state) offset-multiple)]
(println (str "Offset increment is now " offset-inc "."))
(assoc state :offset-inc offset-inc))
:k (let [offset-inc (/ (:offset-inc state) offset-multiple)]
(println (str "Offset increment is now " offset-inc "."))
(assoc state :offset-inc offset-inc))
:p (let [offset (+ (:offset state) (:offset-inc state))]
(println (str "Offset is now " offset "."))
(-> state
:offset offset
:points (reset-points offset)
:paths []
:path []
:stage nil)
:l (let [offset (- (:offset state) (:offset-inc state))]
(println (str "Offset is now " offset "."))
(-> state
:offset offset
:points (reset-points offset)
:paths []
:path []
:stage nil)
:j (do
(print "Offset is now ")
(assoc state :offset-buffer ""))
(:0 :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :. :n)
(let [key-word (if (#{:n} key-word) :- key-word)]
(print (name key-word))
(update-in state [:offset-buffer] str (name key-word)))
:i (let [offset (Double/parseDouble (:offset-buffer state))]
(println ".")
(-> state
:offset offset
:points (reset-points offset)
:paths []
:path []
:stage nil)
:g (do
(print "g") (flush)
(let [new-state (merge state (step-trace state))]
(print "") (flush)
(reset-queue new-state)))
:G (do
(print "G") (flush)
(let [new-state (nth (iterate #(merge % (step-trace %)) state) 10)]
(print "") (flush)
(reset-queue new-state)))
:f (do
(print "f") (flush)
(let [new-state (nth (iterate #(merge % (step-trace %)) state) 50)]
(print "") (flush)
(reset-queue new-state)))
:F (do
(print "F") (flush)
(let [new-state (nth (iterate #(merge % (step-trace %)) state) 500)]
(print "") (flush)
(reset-queue new-state)))
:D (do
(print "Tracing... ") (flush)
(let [new-state (util/first-where (comp #{:done} :stage)
(iterate #(merge % (step-trace %)) state))]
(println "done.")
(reset-queue new-state)))
:T (loop [offset (- (rand 19) 10)]
(println (str "Selected offset " offset "."))
(let [points (reset-points offset)
_ (do (print "Attempting trace... ") (flush))
new-state (nth (iterate #(merge % (try (step-trace %) (catch clojure.lang.ArityException _ {:failed true})))
(assoc state
:offset offset
:points points
:paths []
:path []
:stage nil)) 5000)]
(if (#{:done} (:stage new-state))
(println "success!")
(recur (- (rand 19) 10)))
(println (if (:failed new-state) "failed (with ArityException)." "failed."))
(reset-queue (dissoc new-state :failed))))))

(defn update
(let [new-queue (drop (:done state) (:queue state))]
(assoc state
:queue new-queue
:done (count new-queue)
:clear (if (= (:clear state)

(defn draw
(if (:clear state)
(q/background 240))
(dorun (for [[[x y] color radius]
(map vector
(map first (:queue state))
(:bounds state)
(:reversed-window-frame state))
(:viewing-frame state)
(:window-frame state))
(map second (:queue state))
(map #(nth % 2) (:queue state)))]
(apply q/fill color)
(apply q/stroke color)
(q/ellipse x y radius radius))))
(assoc state
:queue (empty (:queue state))
:clear false))

:title "Path Tracer"
:size [window-size window-size]
:setup setup
:update update
:draw draw
:key-typed key-typed
:features [:keep-on-top]
:middleware [qm/fun-mode])

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