#Background Mashmallow duel was a game that I played as a kid with my friends across the street, and now I'm too far away to play them on the same keyboard, so I'm going to make a MMO version of the game so I can play them.
The game was originally written by Duncan Gill in 1996.
This project is derived from https://github.com/dgritsko/mduel_js.
Mduel fan page.
- Yeoman Needed for testing, building, etc
npm install
Installs server dependenciesbower install
Installs client dependencies
yeoman server
The client page will generate a new local players (up to 2) and allow them to be controlled via keyboard.
foreman start
The server is responsible for managing the pickups. Eventually will do game management such as determining the game is over and generating a new stage.
All commits to the master branch trigger a yeoman test build
on travis-ci, and if everything looks good, the dist folder is pushed directly to gh-pages and is live within minutes.
Pushes of the server are still being worked out. Currently hosted on ec2, but it would awesome to use something that travis-ci could deploy to.
#License GNU General Public License.