A react component that you can use to search GIPHY for GIFs!
- 0.1.7 - Reduced library size.
- 0.1.6 - Added HTTPS support.
Creates a search box and a search results box. Uses the GIPHY API, using their search endpoint.
npm install react-ui-giphy-search
import ReactGiphySearch from 'react-ui-giphy-search';
//property: default
maxRating: 'pg-13', // MPAA-style rating. Examples include Y, G, PG, PG-13 and R.
limit: '5', // Number of results the search should return.
lang: 'en', // Language, 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code.
autofocus: false, // Should the search input box receive focus upon page load?
searchPlaceholder: null, // Placeholder text for the search box.
https: false // Should the API call use https?
Use npm run-script build
to rebuild the package.
Use npm run-script dev-server
to run the demo.